Money power and influence aren't exactly very easy to come by believe me it takes time effort and a healthy amount of under the table dealings to achieve these things or if you're lucky enough you'll be born into a family that already has over the centuries these particular families have managed to Accumulate insane amounts of money power and...
Read moreDetailsUh on this show we've always said it's all about China and we've always said Don't listen to what they say watch what they do instead actions speak louder than words and but when they sync up both the words and actions when they're in lockstep you have a serious problem On our hands and that's exactly what's happening with...
Read moreDetailsAll i can ask is the viewers to share this tell your friends i know this is long this is this is a five hour long panel and we didn't even scratch the surface of what we need to discuss this shouldn't have been necessary as our information grew As we became better and better educated less ignorant about the...
Read moreDetailsWhy golly G Papa while we were in the horse and buggy I think I was being gaslit yeah what a what a fresh phrase that is the term gaslighting what does it mean it's everywhere now originated from a 1944 movie of the same name which I'm going to go into later look at that I mean it's a...
Read moreDetailsHey kids how you boys doing you read the Bible yes well there's this passage I got memorized so to fix this occasion Ezekiel 2517 the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the Tyran of evil evil men blessed is he who in the name of Charity and Good...
Read moreDetailsIn this video you can smash that thumbs up to let Danielle and I both know that you did and guys cruise on over to Danielle subscribe to her Channel she puts out great content just like our Interview and if you're not subscribed to our Channel maybe take a moment and do so now hit the alert Bell you'll...
Read moreDetailsForeign Than China the dictatorial model in which it runs squashes individual liberty it kills dissenters it tortures the innocent it hides Global viruses it tracks you any place you go everything you post every thought you can think it is the opposite of our freedom-loving nation so then why why do some of our most Powerful Elites seem to...
Read moreDetailsForeign In the past year the IRS has hired 87 000 agents has acquired 5 million rounds of ammunition thousands of pistols thousands of shotguns thousands of automatic rifles as well as a variety of military weapons now this came out last summer but it has actually happened now in the meantime But the White House has declared that this...
Read moreDetailsLike every other form of marxism critical race theory is a weapon and it is a tool that leftists use in order to convert violence and whining into power it is driven by a contradiction acceleration and annihilation as faithful marxists critical racists want to destroy the world as we know it And it is not hyperbole they want to...
Read moreDetailsAt the age of 82, Mitch McConnell has announced that he is stepping down as the minority leader in the U.S. Senate. In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex Newman dives into the nation’s reaction to McConnell’s announcement in addition to discussing replacement options for Ronna McDaniel, another GOP failure who stepped down recently. Finally, Alex interviews Christian podcaster...
Read moreDetailsToday uh there has been a change in me and uh I am really clear on three things and I'm going to share them with you in just a minute first you've heard me talk about Jace case from Jace medical there is uh trouble coming there's like five Or six stories of my show prep today about oh we're...
Read moreDetailsForeign welcome to Monday we are going to get into some crazy stuff that happened over the weekend but first I want to launch right into something they just absolutely pisses me off and I want you to be pissed off with me because it's no fun being mad alone and just sitting Here stewing in it uh I want...
Read moreDetailsNow I know nobody cares about the sun because the sun doesn't affect us at all global warming all of these things solar flares that's crazy people talk okay um let me give you a story that broke last week and I'll bet you you didn't hear about it SpaceX is feeling the pinch of that solar threat this week...
Read moreDetailsBut in the end all will benefit in better homes better communities a better america as our heritage to the future You may not be old to remember it but in the 1950s the united states was the undisputed world leader it wasn't even close we helped liberate many nations in two separate world wars our nation was rich wholesome...
Read moreDetailsWell guys it's happening yes the consolidation of power taking away the small guys and consolidating the power at the national level over the weekend we saw more movement now along these smaller Bank lines these smaller Community Banks and the breaking up of Silicon Valley Bank and the spreading of This Bank bailout into Europe so what's going on...
Read moreDetailsSummer, 1945. During the Europe Day victory celebration, on Red Square in Moscow, in front of the Kremlin Palace and the Soviet leaders, the famous Russian army celebrated their victory over Nazi Germany. Just as it's done in the Roman Empire, Soldiers threw flags of the vanquished at the feet of the winner. The man who beat Adolf Hitler, Generalissimo...
Read moreDetailsHabakkuk 2 3 for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though with terry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tear it there have been prophecies in the old testament the prophets have been speaking for centuries Many of the prophecies that are in...
Read moreDetailsAll right and we're live if you have been uh in the live chat waiting for this interview with John Rubino to go uh go live uh thank you for your patience we had a little bit technical difficulty there uh at the first but um third time's a charm or specifically third Device is the charm uh we went...
Read moreDetailsGood day folks my name is major stephen schladovsky i have served canada in the canadian armed forces for 20 plus years i hold a first class honors degree in political science and i have held several army command positions i have an urgent message for all canadians for nearly two years our own elected Government officials have been using...
Read moreDetailsSo recently there's been a lot of talk once again that is the end of the US dollar as a global Reserve currency because recently America's biggest Rivals China and Russia have gang up together and say America they're using the dollar to control the world to impose sanctions so we are going to Trade in our own currencies we're...
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