There is misinformation out there that this virus perhaps was manufactured in some ways the idea that this virus escaped from the lab is just pure bologna say the lab leak theory extremely unlikely there is absolutely no evidence to support that claim we know now that the left's attempt to Squash the lab leak theory was bull crap but...
Read moreDetailsNARRATOR: From A&E, this is "Biography" Saturday. For January 8th, 2000, "Biography" with Harry Smith. His courage was beyond question, his honor beyond challenge. Last month marked 200 years since George Washington died at Mount Vernon. When news of his death spread throughout the colonies, every town held memorial services To mourn the passing of our first national hero. A...
Read moreDetailsIt's been proven that the Canadian government lied when they said funding the trucker protest was a terrorist threat so why did they lie and why did they freeze those accounts and why haven't they revoked those powers hello there you 5.1 million Awakening wonders what a frustrating and crazy Time we're living where there is a personal obligation for...
Read moreDetailsToday's guest is the podfather the original podcaster um his podcast the daily source code aired in 2004 and as you will hear changed the world as we know it the tagline for the first ever podcast where was where developers and users party together shortly after he was name dropped by Steve Jobs then in 2007 shortly after the...
Read moreDetailsForeign pendants now enters its fourth year longer than anyone had imagined battle after battle has failed to bring either side closer to winning In the north where the revolution began the war has ground to a Deadlock but in the South the fighting has just begun with their victory in Charleston South Carolina the British set grander sites toward...
Read moreDetailsGuys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters today's video we're going to talk about the top 15 reasons you don't want it f with Texas but it's also the top 15 reasons you want to be in Texas when the hits the fan but before we go on too much Further I want to thank mark in...
Read moreDetailsThe third precinct of the Minneapolis Police Department on fire nearby businesses Blaze we don't know if the bandal acted simply out of anger against God or because the church had taken a moral stance on a controversial issue the family search Council reports nearly 400 churches were attacked from J an angry Group outside the CNN Center Atlanta the...
Read moreDetailsForeign boy in the United States right now what are you hearing at school what are they telling you on the internet well they're telling you to stop being yourself sit still stop joking suppress your aggression share your feelings obey female qualities are virtuous masculine qualities are oppressive that's the Message in case it wasn't clear enough schools around...
Read moreDetailsForeign what are you charged with that's a really good question I'm charged with being the head of an organized criminal Group which is in charge of recruiting girls to make Tick Tock videos to steal the money from The Tick Tock views recruiting girls to make Tick-Tock videos and stealing the money so it's Really a financial crime I...
Read moreDetailsForeign of a sex crime or violence which I think most people don't really understand yeah and they can look it up yeah I mean but you're not actually accused of rape correct selling anyone correct pimping correct okay um that right there raises a lot of questions yeah and and this is the thing That's so interesting because I'm...
Read moreDetails2020 is the beginning of the age of catastrophe it's kind of the future warning us about what's on the cards for us because the grim truth that i think we're not facing is that our civilization is now beginning to collapse in very real and very serious ways Most americans are comforted in the belief that their government and...
Read moreDetailsForeign ladies and gentlemen my name is David Thoreau and I had the privilege of being the president of the independent Institute I'm delighted to welcome you to our program this evening as many of you may know the independent Institute holds programs like this debates lectures and other presentations which We call the independent policy forum and tonight we're...
Read moreDetailsBut first this week there was a horrific mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville where 28 year old Audrey Hale who identifies or identified as a man shot and killed three nine-year-olds and three School workers before police reached her and she was neutralized now in the aftermath of this horror Something very strange happened instead of politicians...
Read moreDetailsThe old world is giving way to a new order. What key political-economic drivers of change are destined to shape our lives in the medium term? According to an adage that is popular in the financial community, economists are sufficiently competent to correctly predict ten out of five recessions. Despite this sobering statistic, I want to venture several conjectures regarding...
Read moreDetailsWhat does MAGA 2024 Or Bust mean? Exactly that, determination to make America a better place and to make a conscience change away from the darkness and evil that has caused destruction throughout the US.
Read moreDetailsJavier_Art_Photography/iStock/Getty Images Plus Unlike the avowedly atheistic Soviets, the WWII-era Nazis didn’t bluntly try to suppress Christianity. Rather, they sought to reinvent it for their own purposes, conjuring up something called “Positive Christianity,” which held that Jesus was a Nordic character persecuted by a Jewish establishment. Those National Socialists and their particular perversion of faith are gone. But the viewing...
Read moreDetailsJarnoVerdonk/iStock/Getty Images Plus It took man millennia to advance from superstition to the scientific method. Now it might take the atavistic Biden administration only a moment to regress. Some may thus conclude with the revelation that the “Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could soon employ ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ in their research, a document obtained by...
Read moreDetailsWhen confronted with international appeals for humanitarian aid due to the ongoing crises in Gaza and Yemen, the United States and the United Kingdom have chosen instead to turn Yemen’s Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden into a combat zone, initiating an ariel bombing campaign against the war-torn country already suffering immensely from nine years of deadly conflict spearheaded...
Read moreDetailsFilippoBacci/iStock/Getty Images Plus A new study has found that the old conservative-embraced stereotype of the well-meaning but naive liberal may not be correct. That is, the “well-meaning” part. This latest research was conducted in Germany and, focusing on environmental activists in particular, sought to discover if there was an association between their activism and the negative personality traits constituting the...
Read moreDetailsgguy44/iStock/Getty Images Plus “No,” Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” program, when host Dana Bash asked her if Texas could, if it wished, secede from the Union. “According to the Constitution, they can’t,” Haley said. Haley did defend the right of Texas to defend itself from the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens...
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