Do we happen to have speaking of that do we happen to have the nancy pelosi uh monologue that she tried to explain the inflation bill november of 2021 that's incredible oh is it november i thought it was from this bill i i just want you to listen and try to tell me What she's talking about when she's...
Read moreDetailsInflation is uh surging more and more americans are living paycheck to paycheck 157 million adults that is 61 of americans as of june this number is up from 58 percent in may a year ago it was 55 but 61 percent of americans now are living paycheck to paycheck you disrupt anything And they go under that's the reality...
Read moreDetailsDo you remember this Occupy Wall Street howan doesn't it seem like a million we were so naive back then felt like our country was experienced absolute chaos back then but looking back at it now it kind of feels like the good old days in some way why Did they go away what happened did they just disappear or...
Read moreDetailsIn the US support of Ukraine it it can't afford to divert military aid away from Ukraine uh Russia's the biggest threat to the US to the West uh and just to global stability so wait a minute Russia is America's biggest threat really I am not saying that Vladimir Putin is some Mischaracterized dictator who is really warm and...
Read moreDetailsWe're with Peter schwier he is the uh president of the government accountability Institute he is also a guy who has written several books uh exposes on both the right and the left the left now forgets that he does that and they just call him a tool of the the Right um but he lets the chips fall where...
Read moreDetailsDo you think Bob's action was honest or dishonest to be honest mate sound easy some of the time it is but it can be a real problem especially when wanting to be honest conflicts with other things you want to do we spend so much time teaching our kids the American ethics That made this country so much better...
Read moreDetailsUh let me tell you a couple of things that have happened uh over the weekend this one happened during the American Rescue plan Act of 2021. um you have a new threshold and you should be aware of it because the IRS is going to come knocking and this is why They have 80 000 people the Internal Revenue...
Read moreDetailsCivil unrest polarization the disruption of Technology economic disabled ization all culminating in a complete implosion of American trust the result running to the government for help to save the day and scare away the big bad wolf of uncertainty the result has been a slow but steady merging of government and Corporations but none of this has happened in...
Read moreDetailsFox has touched off a firestorm of criticism after an appearance by newt gingrich on one of their shows fox news channel is being accused of censoring criticism of the left-wing extremist and democrat socialist financier george soros after this exchange went viral on social media pro-criminal and overwhelmingly elected with george soros's money And they're a major cause of...
Read moreDetailsYou have to decide whether or not your whole four-year period here with the democrats have been a lie because you were told from the very beginning that donald trump was in league with russian spies well we now know because of foia requests and the news they're not covering any of this We now know that the the steel...
Read moreDetailsWelcome to the glenbeck program America tonight I ask you to watch this program with an open mind I ask you to put your partisan differences aside and really listen and then do your own homework don't take my word for it research yourself this is far too important the Topic tonight and tomorrow night George Soros there are things...
Read moreDetailsFor the last few days i have and i think you feel the same had a gut punch and i've been trying to put my finger on it and i've been trying to figure out what to say to you and how to say it and i think i just have to say it like This i don't know about...
Read moreDetailsDaniel tell me about johns hopkins uh university and the study that came out that they published uh covet 19 has and i'm quoting it relatively no effect on deaths in the u.s then it was retracted tell me about this sure it's funny that it seems like the retraction is always in one direction It's always when there's any...
Read moreDetailsSo I want to start here what is happening in America we are we are we are strapped by being isolated by the ocean and we are strapped because our media blows beyond all recognition okay you're not getting anything from the mainstream media stop watching it um let me give you an example I told you yesterday about a...
Read moreDetailsPaul kangar who's a political science professor good friend of the program also the author of the book the devil and karl marx which is a must read it is a must read um he is um he covered in the american spectator the pennsylvania bombshell by 99.4 percent versus trump Point six percent of the vote welcome to the...
Read moreDetailsStop the music because this i don't even understand this a federal judge who obviously doesn't like his country has reapproved the emergency order blocking georgia from wiping the state voting machines why would we be wiping the state voting machines why does it take a federal judge to say uh no no no no Let's not erase all of...
Read moreDetailsStephen tell me uh what you found in that that was hidden in this bill well how much time you got glenn this is something like 800 pages but um i i don't even kind of know where to start but the um can we start with this Did you find on page like 683 we found um the epa...
Read moreDetailsKlaus Schwab dark lord of the world economic forum he has described BlackRock as the largest private asset manager in the world and as such a major shareholder and a voice to be reckoned with in many of the world's biggest publicly listed companies end quote it's true these companies like BlackRock own About 20 percent of all the biggest...
Read moreDetailsWe have um lieutenant colonel alan west on uh with us now he is the guy who delivered uh texas and fought real hard the things that are going here in texas going on with the uh with the democratic party shady games uh millions and millions and millions of Dollars coming into the state to flip it blue he...
Read moreDetailsWell there's an effort now to have texans vote on whether they want to secede from the united states and it's starting to gain support now i just want to go back and i know people say um you know you can't secede from the union you can't break away I'm sorry uh that's the supreme court and i know...
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