Courage is contagious now there is uh there's a couple of other people that are speaking out i just told you about dave chappelle and uh the nba player from the boston celtics but there is something somebody else that has spoken up and actually in defense of uh ns what's his name ns cantor Cantor uh the boston celtics...
Read moreDetailsSo d parker uh wrote uh the case for optimism 10 reasons why the pro-freedom right will defeat the anti-liberty left he said the leftist enemies of freedom and civil rights are such that it makes it impossible for them to win and while it would be a disaster if they Were to befall the planet it would be uh...
Read moreDetailsThere is so much happening in america this week we've had the election results that we have been getting into all day we'll have more on that on radio tomorrow also president biden is in scotland rubbing shoulders with the world's richest and most powerful people at the latest u n climate summit President biden brought along 13 cabinet members...
Read moreDetailsI have some tour dates to let you know about Athens Georgia on November 7th and Atlanta Georgia November 29th and 30th at the Fox Theater get your tickets at theovon docomo we got new merch three new shirts you can check them out uh they're beautiful they're nice if you're getting Somebody a Christmas gift this could be one...
Read moreDetailsYou remember the trump days before the mainstream media went on a four-year vacation they worked non-stop like deranged bullies obsessed with destroying donald trump one of the rare instances of the media waking up during the biden years is their obsession with january 6 the insurrection and i say that in quotes Because they have pushed that word like...
Read moreDetailsHello america wow it's been a heck of a week for the mainstream media hasn't it let me just start oh i think maybe with the moab bomb that the durham investigation dropped on the steel dossier just a couple of days ago okay not only was it revealed that christopher steele's primary source was Fabricating and even outright lying...
Read moreDetailsA sars-like virus now reached the United States really came from a market that sold seafood and put the mass back on I want to tell you a little something about trust it may be the most important thing you can have in this life I not clearly explain the circle of trust to You Greg no trust no healthy...
Read moreDetailsHello america over the last three years the mainstream media has done a masterful job as of painting florida as the ultimate red state you know it's a crazy land of anti-vaxxer people mega people they're nuts down there according to this narrative florida's republican governor ron desantis is the creature from the black lagoon Yep they got the creature...
Read moreDetailsWhy golly G Papa while we were in the horse and buggy I think I was being gaslit yeah what a what a fresh phrase that is the term gaslighting what does it mean it's everywhere now originated from a 1944 movie of the same name which I'm going to go into later look at that I mean it's a...
Read moreDetailsListen to what is coming because i have done my homework on this the reason why bonds are so cheap and the stock market is going down and bitcoin is getting down is because people who know people who have a lot of money are starting to sell because they are expecting or at Least fearing a major crash not...
Read moreDetailsInformation is power for instance who has all the information on Jeffrey Epstein the little black book that's power that that Jad Grover couldn't even dream of you'll find out tonight you'll also find out about absolute control of information and a campaign against not just your freedom but free will you want To believe that covid was a lab...
Read moreDetailsForeign Than China the dictatorial model in which it runs squashes individual liberty it kills dissenters it tortures the innocent it hides Global viruses it tracks you any place you go everything you post every thought you can think it is the opposite of our freedom-loving nation so then why why do some of our most Powerful Elites seem to...
Read moreDetailsLike every other form of marxism critical race theory is a weapon and it is a tool that leftists use in order to convert violence and whining into power it is driven by a contradiction acceleration and annihilation as faithful marxists critical racists want to destroy the world as we know it And it is not hyperbole they want to...
Read moreDetailsToday uh there has been a change in me and uh I am really clear on three things and I'm going to share them with you in just a minute first you've heard me talk about Jace case from Jace medical there is uh trouble coming there's like five Or six stories of my show prep today about oh we're...
Read moreDetailsForeign welcome to Monday we are going to get into some crazy stuff that happened over the weekend but first I want to launch right into something they just absolutely pisses me off and I want you to be pissed off with me because it's no fun being mad alone and just sitting Here stewing in it uh I want...
Read moreDetailsHere is some good news about the great reset late last week and over the weekend there is there is a flood of new interest from state lawmakers looking to stop esg and the rise of the great reset you are doing your job and you are you're making a huge huge difference We have received uh through heartland uh...
Read moreDetailsIt is time now for our george soros update yes it's weird that george soros update suspiciously sounds almost like the darth vader theme but i think that's purely a coincidence uh george soros is in the news because uh he's getting a lot of heat for his uh meddling In our elections and putting in all of these ags...
Read moreDetailsWow just reading an email that was just sent from new york city's human resources administration To all names on its distribution list and uh and uh the epic times just got a hold of it it urged all staff who can work overtime to do so to deal with a drastic influx of asylum seekers in manhattan and other...
Read moreDetailsI have been talking to you about a parallel economy and i want to bring to you different things that people are doing to help and we are playing a a nasty game of ketchup uh i talked about the tides foundation what 15 years ago the tides foundation this this network of money Is just is astounding as you...
Read moreDetailsNow I know nobody cares about the sun because the sun doesn't affect us at all global warming all of these things solar flares that's crazy people talk okay um let me give you a story that broke last week and I'll bet you you didn't hear about it SpaceX is feeling the pinch of that solar threat this week...
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