Watch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! good evening and welcome to Crossroads for many people this week made history after Decades of research Decades of being called conspiracy theorists finally we've been shown what is allegedly proof that aliens exist Mexican aliens NOP not the kind flooding across the border the other kind Little Green Men...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Foreign good evening and welcome to Crossroads when it comes to the recent charges against Hunter Biden the son of President Joe Biden I want to say right now I agree with the Democrats on this one I stand by Hunter at least on these particular charges I generally support...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Thank you good evening and welcome to Crossroads and we're live now you might have seen the headlines over the weekend there's a new scandal in Washington representative Lauren balbert was filmed by a night vision camera in a theater and she was groped by a man she was with...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Thank you good evening and welcome to Crossroads rumors were swirling last month 14 cities in the United States are planning to ban meat the news made its rounds mostly on conservative news websites the Federalists reported that the plan for 2030 outlines some very ambitious goals these include zero...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Thank you good evening and welcome to Crossroads the United Nations General Assembly is bringing together world leaders in an opportunity to address the threats they face during yesterday's speech as many spoke about the adversaries of the Free World among the anticipated speeches was from Ukrainian President Vladimir Zielinski...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads earlier this week we talked about how there's a global agenda to restrict meat Mayors in close to 100 cities around the world have signed on with a program to phase out meat the goal is to have zero consumption none at All by...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! good evening and welcome to Crossroads America is in a difficult position Mass Migration used to be a partisan issue now even New York City the mayor here is saying the problem could destroy the entire City crime has reached a point where it's borderline legal theft and drug use...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Foreign good evening and welcome to Crossroads it's possible that in the very new future you will no longer have the freedom to choose what kind of car you want to drive and this change might cost you more than even just the freedom of choice the Biden Administration has...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Foreign good evening and welcome to Crossroads a battle is unfolding in the American Heartland it's between the workers and the state between the nationalists and the globalists the populists and the elite establishment it's a focal point of the nation the political debate now unfolding in Detroit in particular...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! good evening and welcome to Crossroads the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden has officially begun the first hearing was held yesterday house investigators laid out the evidence to justify the inquiry and there technically wasn't anything new that was brought up it was a recap of findings that various...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! good evening and welcome to Crossroads former president Donald Trump is standing trial yet again and this time it's a civil case in New York City and he's accused of inflating the value of his real estate Empire the accusations are against Trump and his children and by this afternoon...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads an agency that most Americans have never heard of has been running a whole of society censorship operation this is cesa the cyber security infrastructure Security Agency it's under the Department of Homeland Security and on October 3rd the agency's power of mass Censorship...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads the Biden Administration has done a 180 on border security at least on paper the Department of Homeland Security issued an alert saying it is now necessary to resume construction of the border wall it notes that DHS secretary Alejandra mayorca sees the situation...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads the FBI has been targeting Trump and his supporters as domestic terrorists this was done through a subtle change in language it was from a minor alteration in how they label domestic extremist threats but this very minor difference actually has sweeping implications It...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads for the first time since 1973 Israel has officially declared war now this is in response to terrorist raids where Hamas killed hundreds of civilians with death tolls still Rising videos circulated of terrorist Fighters parading dead women on the backs of their trucks...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! good evening and welcome to Crossroads all Warfare is based on Deception this is one of the more famous quotes from The Art of War by the ancient Chinese military strategist sunu it describes methods on how to manipulate an enemy Force to trick them into doing what you want...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads the European commission is calling for censorship that could affect the United States they want Twitter now known as X to begin filtering content in line with European law now on October 10th the European commissioner Theory Breton sent an open letter to Elon...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads the United States and other Western countries are being flooded with illegal immigrants the so-called refugees are often coming from a handful of countries under socialist dictatorships many others are coming from countries that have been destabilized by gangs and by Terror networks yet...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! evening and welcome to Crossroads the systems of Islamic terrorism and anti-Semitism have a new face and it's the face of woke socialists and progressives after the former leader of Hamas and not the current leader I should add issued a call for a day of global Jihad well most...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Good evening and welcome to Crossroads the war between Israel and Hamas risks expanding into a broader conflict in the region any wrong move right now could set up a chain reaction of international involvement which could realistically spark a third world war but the trajectory of all this became...
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