Watch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Foreign Google has been programming a woke AI system that can censor the internet this is according to Zach Voorhees a former Google employee turned whistleblower he explains that AI is at the heart of the future internet determining what content is shown how facts are weighed and which voices...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Now if you remember at the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine one of the big things that happened was the Chinese Communist party xingping and Putin the Chinese Communist party in Russia had a meeting and during that meeting they signed a No Limits agreement meaning the the relationship...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! I want to explain to you not just what is being done but how it's being done I want to go into what the Mythos is how people how kind of the science of how of how they manipulate people but first let me show you a couple more things...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! America is being methodically destroyed by an era of weak men too afraid to stand up for what's right at a fear of being canceled or being ostracized on social media in order to turn this around men need to abandon the fear of the social justice mobs this is...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! How many of you remember when we talked about solar geoengineering do you remember that I did a whole episode talking about how Bill Gates wanted to block out the sun like like you know Mr Burns or something I'm not even joking remember he they had they actually had...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The world has been sold a false narrative on what types of relationships are fulfilling while popular culture has promoted sexual imagery and narratives promoting casual encounters human biology and basic needs show us that tradition we have deeper wisdom on what actually makes a happy relationship this Is according...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! State Medical boards are using their Authority as a tool to silence doctors who dared to question the established narratives on medicine or who stand against the pharmaceutical industry this problem came to the Forefront under covid-19 when the medical establishment got information wrong on the virus and vaccines and...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Folks let's go deeper into what's happening with this whole climate cartel and there's no other way to call it a cartel because essentially it's it's a it's a system of collaboration between governments ngos private businesses and Talking Heads and media agencies that are spreading a lot of false...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The discovery of classified documents the Penn Biden Center raises questions about the connection between the Biden family and the Chinese Communist party this is according to Paul D kemenar lead counsel for the national legal and policy sector cheminar has been investigating the connection between Hunter Biden and the...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The bid Administration is being called out for human trafficking over the Border crisis and if you remember well I did the special feature episode border deception where I dug into the Biden administration's programs mainly being run to the state department that are facilitating what is you know what...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The Chinese Communist Regime put on a global show with covet 19. it claimed there were few if any deaths in most part of China and then used this to claim its so-called zero coveted policies of lockdowns and mandates were the solution the world full of many of these...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The Biden Administration just put the entire Chinese economy the ccp's entire military capabilities uh really they put a big Doomsday Clock on it they just killed the future of the CCP they killed it and it's going to force the CCP now to do something to try to save...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! DirecTV and its parent company at T are being accused of political censorship after they drop conservative TV station Newsmax for the platform this comes after the network similarly dropped oan another conservative news Outlet according to Christopher ready president and CEO of Newsmax this is both an act of...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! I want to talk about what's happening in Canada first and then talk about how America is slowly becoming just like Canada so starting stuff but Canada is a few steps ahead of us um Justin Trudeau right now is trying to push for a digital IDs is what they're...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Former Twitter Executives tell Congress and this weaponization of government hearing we didn't meddle in the 2020 elections and also we need to do more of it so are you getting that we we did not interfere in the 2020 elections but also we did not interfere enough in the...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! United Nations programs throughout Latin America and even operating in the United States with the help of ngos are running the immigration crisis this includes direct payments being made to illegal aliens and Asylum seekers in the form of debit cards and even envelopes of cash and the money for...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! China is planning to turn hundreds of retired Cold War fighter jets into suicide drones that could be used for Massive Attack on Taiwan keep in mind that the building of drones and creation of what they call suicide drones using actually actually Soviet I.E Russian Jets retrofitting Russian Jets...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The percentage of Americans who claim to have no religious affiliation is now around 21 according to 2022 Gallup survey when the survey first began in the 1950s that figure was less than four percent yet as America becomes less religious has the country also quietly lost one of its...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Guess what is now being labeled as far right extremist material George Orwell in his book 1984 is now being dubbed as a far-right extremist book the Lord of the Rings is being called far right extremism as is a huge list of other books including the works of Shakespeare...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! It's a frequent and unfortunate story in the United States that hip-hop artists often very young end up getting killed by gun violence what is it in the music that leads to this is there something in the culture and what's the impact of this when it's applied to broader...
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