Watch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The Democrats their main talking point now is going to be crime ironically because they tend to be the soft on crime to fund the police party they're realizing after what happened to Lori Lightfoot in Chicago that's not that's not a winning proposition to try to switch the narrative...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! There's discussions about the pandemic Accord the Biden Administration is looking to give the World Health Organization Powers over different nations to declare pandemics and recommend policies and how to address the pandemics this means that the the World Health Organization which cannot demonstrate its independence from the CCP is...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! There's a report out saying illegal immigrants are costing the American Health System at least 23 billion dollars a year one of the important things to note is this the way that the the way the American health system works is you know if you or I or if you're...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The Silicon Valley Bank collapsed he had no head of risk assessment for nine months before it collapsed silicon Bank operated without a chief risk officer between April of 2022 and January of 2023 while the operations United Kingdom based head of risk stands accused of prioritizing pro-diversity initiatives over...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! One of the big things happening right now it was to it's what's taking place with Russia and China the deals they're making it looks like right now we're ramping up for a possible War um just being totally honest with you and the CCP is they're making deals business...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! One of the big questions now with Biden is was Biden involved in this targeting of trump the targeting of a political opponent Trump is the leading candidate on the Republican side Trump is beating even Ron DeSantis the second runner-up by at least you know double Trump is probably...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! And let me show you this Taliban responding to Hillary Clinton on female education in Afghanistan if Hillary Clinton was talking about you know Afghan girls and education the taliban's Twitter account responded with this you spent 700 million dollars in our country trying to teach women and girls that...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! I want to talk about tick tock because I mean folks I've never I've never been quiet about my views on Tick Tock or the Chinese Communist party's influence over websites or applications and the threats these pose against you I think I've been a very big critic of tick...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! You know sometimes fate or call it what you will has an interesting way of aligning and it's it's almost like the stars align in a way sometimes that just makes things Beyond ridiculous that just it just turns things into just almost like Divine comedies to do just to...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Folks he had a gang banger tied to a New York City Heist who got a slap on the wrist thing from Alvin Bragg there's been a lot of cases like this lately there was a guy who was he was actually being robbed right they were yeah I Think...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! This actually could push the Biden Administration I as I mentioned the Democrats are in a very rough position because this is a state matter technically right this is this is a state law and you could argue the federal government should not interfere in state prosecutions in fact part...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! There is now a push for what they're calling D dollarization the moving away from the US dollar is the world Reserve currency and this is um actually more significant than most people are noting now some people are saying well you can't really overturn the dollar the dollar is...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! I want to go a bit into what's happening with um this Soros these Soros funded DA's and kind of these soft on crime policies and then I want to go into tapping with the United Nations as well but we'll go a bit further into that Let me show...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The American dream is under attack the greatest country in the world is now more polarized than ever before this is about targeting women of color put your mask on it's an insult to our country as the world is already laughing at us we're dividing ourselves with them while...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! There are a few key things that need to be discussed with AI that tie into the way that our world has been altered in ways that some people may not even realize have already been done to the extent that we're even even human interactions even the markets even...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Tens of thousands of Americans dying from fentanyl overdose each year folks in California governor Newsom is activated the National Guard to deal with this fentanyl it's that bad that Newsom of all people is activated the National Guard to deal with it but let me show you this is...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Russia has declared that it is now in a hot war with the United States and Hot War means guns and bullets and bombs and tanks and so on this means troops on the ground fighting each other directly Russia has made this declaration now Breitbart has a story they...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Folks the 2023 White House Correspondents Dinner was just held in Washington something interesting on this this is a unique event the news media isn't technically under State Control in America at least not yet if the annual White House dinner it tends to give a pulse on the state...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Vaccinated the nation transformed the economy urge historic legislative victories and Midterm results but the job isn't finished I mean it is finished for Tucker Carlson what do you worrying about like that like you think that's not reasonable give me a break you think that's not reasonable well the...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The by Administration recently questioned really during a White House Press briefing its role in The Border crisis and the response on this was interesting watch this when it comes to Illegal migration you've seen it come down by more than 90 percent and that's because of this act the...
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