Watch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Someone at Fox is trying to destroy Tucker Carlson's reputation now it's not clear whether this is a rogue employee or whether it's something more official but there's a lot of speculation on this regardless so far it does look like the plan is backfiring on it videos and internal...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Do you like free beer well Budweiser certainly hope so it looks like they're also hoping you like free beer more than you dislike woke culture the alcohol company is facing a crisis of public opinion after a partnered with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney for those who missed it here's...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! We're told that the allegations of child sex abuse or the sex trafficking of children among political circles and politics and entertainment we're told this is all groundless nothing to see here don't even talk about it but we should ask in return what about Jeffrey Epstein let's see the...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The U.S military is facing a recruitment crisis with Russia declaring it's in a hot war with the west and the Chinese Communist Party threatening to invade Taiwan and America probably being caught in the middle of this well that could be a real problem for the all-volunteer fighting force...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 and eventually won he did so with the key campaign promise he said he would drain the swamp and his supporters watched his time as in office they saw Trump continually get attacked by The Establishment media they saw one fake Hit...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Video Title: IS BIDEN GUILTY? | Crossroads Video Tags: crossroads epoch times,joshua philipp epoch times,news,joshua philipp,epoch time,crossroads with joshua philipp,us china,ccp,epoch times,xi jinping,crossroads joshua philipp,us china relations,the epoch times,Live Q&A joshua philipp,epoch tv,epochtv,china news,Hunter Biden,James Come,Merrick Garland,Christopher Wray,Biden family,Joe Biden,Volodymir Zelensky,Viktor Shokin,Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop,hunter's laptop,TARA READE,IS BIDEN GUILTY, #BIDEN...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! United States as you might remember was shut down the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic that started actually under Trump with the guidelines in March of 2020. they declared that in order to slow the spread that the nation would have to self-quarantine for 15 days do you remember this...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! President Joe Biden is now being accused of money laundering and influence peddling and interestingly this the this is the latest chapter in the hunter Biden scandal where the president's son was suspected already of selling his father's influence to foreign governments and to foreign businesses now on Wednesday members...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! CNN may never be the same again after president Donald Trump appeared at the network the show lasted over an hour it ended with the live audience of Republicans and Undeclared voters at the Saint Aslam College in New Hampshire actually cheering for Trump and they were not cheering as...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Twitter users are now mourning the death of the platform Elon musk's newly appointed CEO that's Linda yaccarino Elon Musk for his part is going to transition to being executive chair and the chief technology operator of the platform he says he's going to be overseeing product software and systems...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! There's a new threat in the United States it's a movement without a clear name it has no clear Doctrine and there's well very few cases of violence at least in the modern world but according to President Joe Biden this is now the greatest terrorist threat the country now...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Americans appear to be fleeing California close to 700 000 people left the state between 2020 and 2022 and look despite that's despite people moving there the state's population despite all that has dropped by about 500 000 people now that's being blamed on unaffordable housing on Rising Taxes on...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! And folks news outlets to push this fake news they were given Awards journalists who reported the truth they were censored and they were harassed politicians use this to grandstand about foreign threats and attacks on Democracy all while peddling false information to undermine America's elections I'd like to top...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! The federal government is about to run out of money they've hit the limit on how much debt they can get us into and President Biden he wants two more years of deeper debt which is long enough to just push it past the 2024 elections Republicans don't seem to...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Look if someone you loved were threatened or even got physically attacked do you have the right to defend them and even more so when police are being defunded when criminals are being released on the streets do you have a right to protect yourself do you have to let...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! FBI agents who refused to break the law who refused to carry out as what they view as unlawful orders or came out to expose alleged crimes being committed by the agency itself they have now been punished by the FBI some of them lost their jobs some of them...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to announce his run for president in 2024 sometime next week on Thursday he took a swipe at former president Trump and he's allegedly telling telling donors on a call that there are only three candidates for 2024 who are credible he said Trump...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! By now it's safe to assume that we've all heard claims of vaccine injuries documents metal medical professionals they've warned us about the health risks from these covid-19 shots and of course there are different opinions on whether or not the shots are safe or more dangerous than the virus...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Bill Gates has passed with Jeffrey Epstein is again boiling to the surface now look it was already known that Gates had connections to the accused sex trafficker and the convicted pedophile in fact Bill Gates's wife previously said that this was the key reason why she divorced him their...
Read moreDetailsWatch It On Epoch Times TV - Click Here Today! Budweiser may have run one of the most successful branding shifts ever made let me explain they made a beer can featuring the face of trans activist Dylan Mulvaney of course to help celebrate his gender transition and now it seems that most of the United States Associates Budweiser with...
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