“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” CNN’s John King was stunned. It was President Biden’s worst night as a politician—ever. On Thursday evening in Atlanta, the already-lowered bar suddenly disappeared into the floor completely. Biden didn’t faint or trip, but his voice was so hoarse that he struggled to speak at times, and he faltered repeatedly, unable...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Heading into tonight’s debate with GOP candidate and former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden received some bad news.Trump has expanded his lead in the national election polls as well as some battleground states that could decide the election, the Real Clear Politics Average of election polls shows. Though Biden has pared Trump’s lead in some states, Trump...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was in full fib mode yesterday on Morning Joe, an arm of the Biden administration’s Mainstream Media Information Ministry.With more than 300 terror suspects caught at the border this fiscal year, along with the Biden “migrant” terrorists whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has caught, Mayorkas told viewers that the “migrant” terror threat...
Read moreDetailssefa ozel/iStock/Getty Images Plus In the real world where Americans live, gas, food, and other consumer prices have risen dramatically since President Joe Biden took office.Prices at the grocery store are out of sight. Filling the gas tank practically requires a second mortgage. And forget buying a home at today’s prices and mortgage interest rates. Apartment rents are zooming.But in...
Read moreDetailsLiberals fear a second term by Trump as president far more than they feared his first. There are multiple reasons why Trump’s second presidential term will be more productive and beneficial than any other in modern history. All the Never-Trumpers who obstructed Trump from within the Republican Party are gone. No more Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, and many others...
Read moreDetailsIn this special edition of Alex Newman’s show, The Sentinel Report, Newman kicks off the show with an excerpt from James O’Keefes’ glorious exposé of Disney’s racist hiring practices, along with unsettling news for artificial intelligence users. Next up, Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, joins the show to share concrete action items for how to save America...
Read moreDetailsEd Martin, the RNC’s deputy policy director for the platform committee and president of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, joins Alex Newman to share his vision for the Republican platform. Martin, a former chairman of the Missouri GOP who was heavily criticized by NBC and Senator Mitt Romney after being appointed to the platform committee, gives his reaction and analysis of...
Read moreDetailsMattGush/iStock/Getty Images Plus When it comes to Biden “migrants,” Venezuela isn’t sending its best.Two more of them have been arrested in connection with yet another murder. The victim in this case: Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, of Houston, Texas.Border agents caught Jose Pena Ramos and Jose Rangel Martinez when they jumped the border in May and March. Then border agents released the...
Read moreDetailsduckycards/iStock/Getty Images Plus “The fundamental basis of this Nation’s law was given to Moses on the Mount,” said a famed American figure. “The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul.”Which evangelist said the above? Billy Graham? Pat Robertson? Jerry Falwell?Actually, it was Democratic...
Read moreDetailsLPETTET/iStock/Getty Images Plus A State Department official has confirmed that President Joe Biden’s “migrant” invasion is replacement migration meant to overwhelm the country demographically.A reporter from Project Veritas (PV) secretly recorded interviews with officials, one of whom confirmed that what conservatives call “The Great Replacement” is all too real. And Biden is knowingly importing criminals, the officials said.The ultimate goal,...
Read moreDetailsAntonio_Diaz/iStock/Getty Images Plus “A person’s healthcare is not the government’s business!” we hear. “That’s between him and his doctor!” Funny thing, though:Unless the issue is abortion, this philosophy goes right out the medical office window.It’s not just the Covid shots, either. In fact, the latest example is that the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), reports hold, is poised to make physicians’...
Read moreDetailsIn the last week, four different federal courts independently arrived at the same conclusion: Biden’s policy to impose his transgender ideology on public schools is unlawful. Biden insists, beginning with the upcoming school year, that every public school in America open its girls’ restrooms and locker rooms to boys who think they are girls. More than half our country – 27...
Read moreDetailseccolo74/iStock/Getty Images Plus On behalf of five black students, the NAACP has sued the Shenandoah County, Virginia, School Board because it stood up against the assault on history in general and the Confederacy in particular.In May, the board renamed two schools to honor three great Americans: Generals Robert E. Lee, Turner Ashby, and Stonewall Jackson. The NAACP seeks to overturn...
Read moreDetailsYouTube Chris Cilliza Former CNN political analyst Chris Cilliza has admitted the truth about his former network’s rules for June 27’s debate between President Joe Biden and GOP opponent and former President Donald Trump.The debate is rigged to help Biden.On his YouTube Channel, Cilliza explained why the rules favored Biden. Just one of them favors Trump. The rules for the...
Read moreDetailsBet_Noire/iStock/Getty Images Plus Just as it’s “garbage in, garbage out” with a computer, feeding incorrect data (lies) to the population has serious consequences. After all, how can people make correct judgments about what politicians and policies to support — i.e., civilization-preserving decisions — if they’re being fed misinformation about those politicians and policies?And, boy, the lies do fly fast and...
Read moreDetailstoday though CNN announced it had fin finalized the rules for your first presidential debate now less than 2 weeks away with both your campaign and the Biden campaign look we know you go into this debate with a whole host of things to go after President Biden on whether it's illegal immigration uh you talk about an economy that's...
Read moreDetailsTaral Patel/Facebook Taral Patel Yet again, a leftist has been caught perpetrating a hate hoax.This time, the suspect is one Taral Patel, a Democratic candidate for Precinct 3 Commissioner in Fort Bend County, Texas. He is charged with creating a fake online persona and making racist comments that appeared to have come from supporters of his Republican opponent.Not surprisingly, Patel...
Read moreDetailsAP Images The opening of the G7 meeting in Italy offered the world another view of an ailing American president unfit to continue serving in office, let alone serve a second term.Biden’s bizarre behavior alarmed his counterparts at the summit, but, more importantly, proved again that oftentimes Biden simply doesn’t know where he is, what he’s doing, or maybe even...
Read moreDetailsElena Sunagatova/iStock/Getty Images Plus The political polls just aren’t going Joe Biden’s way.For the third time, a poll of Virginia voters shows GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump tied with President Joe Biden.Two previous polls showed the same thing for the Old Dominion, which turned blue in 2008 with the election of President Barack Hussein Obama.Meanwhile, those who answered pollsters for...
Read moreDetailsKiyoshi Tanno/iStock/Getty Images Plus A media shill for Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky’s corrupt regime has assembled an “enemies” list of nearly 400 American legislators, commentators, think tanks, and media outlets that are responsible for “impeding aid to Ukraine.”Published by the little known Texty.org.ua website, the hit piece falsely claims that U.S. legislators and figures such as Tucker Carlson are Russian...
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