I'm otaku up in Miami Lakota imagine the homework is it your spy kill a size up okay Lily walk on mataki a art a Tonka with coke a to spy mitakuye inna wombly Zoo you to spy this is traditional greeting of my people that I am bound to Give I'll be it it's a short version what I...
Read moreDetailsGood afternoon my name is ilya shapiro i'm the director of the robert dailyvee center for constitutional studies here at Cato and I'm delighted to present here a forum about a unique and innovative project in American constitutional law and introduction to constitutional law the name of the book Teach you the narrative of con law as it's developed over...
Read moreDetailsThis videos not mine it is a lecture video on my channel is because it is a great lecture That helps us in understanding the current political scenario both around the world as well as in our own country and I believe it needs to be seen after watching this you will be able to relate what is happening today...
Read moreDetailsThank you this may be the most important speech i've ever made i want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long november third elections we used to have what was called election day Now we have election days weeks and months and lots of...
Read moreDetailsWe have um lieutenant colonel alan west on uh with us now he is the guy who delivered uh texas and fought real hard the things that are going here in texas going on with the uh with the democratic party shady games uh millions and millions and millions of Dollars coming into the state to flip it blue he...
Read moreDetailsI recently spoke with edward snowden a military contractor who revealed government secrets and now lives in exile did snowden do the right thing after researching this i now think he did you decide here's our full interview you went to work for the government you signed agreements saying you wouldn't talk About what you did why go to the...
Read moreDetailsHey welcome back everyone now there's a big dispute between the federal government and state governments and federal overreach is becoming one of the big topics in this country but americans have a certain power which may let them challenge this that's the convention of states here to Speak with us about this is mark meckler he's president of conventions...
Read moreDetailsElmar Gubisch/iStock/Getty Images Plus In a 6-3 decision on Monday, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that the initiative petition effort to raise the state’s minimum wage will be allowed to continue. State Question 832 proposes to gradually raise the state’s minimum wage from its present $7.25 per hour to $15 per hour by 2029. After that, the rate will be...
Read moreDetailsGreening just just er een james ok who is the founder project werd as she knows that not only cysoing twitter of us also find information lawsuit against cnn is wel bizar oude arizona after months of legal bekkevoort miracle counties large-scale altijd op de troon 10 20 lotion hoe het invloed over twee Miljoen bouwers en kroos de voorganger...
Read moreDetailsGood evening according to newly released documents which were just obtained by judicial watch state officials out in iowa they allegedly worked with big tech companies in order to censor the social media posts of american citizens meanwhile out in arizona as the audit of the 2020 election out of maricopa county continues We here at the epic times we...
Read moreDetailsForeign there have been stories about what's been happening to people who work at the American Embassy in Moscow the stories concern radiation first it was said the Russians were either bugging or jamming Embassy intelligence equipment and that they were using microwaves to do that and that that was getting Embassy people Sick to American Embassy employees in Moscow...
Read moreDetailsDo So I always forget to turn on my mind hey welcome back everyone so some big stories it just happened that the governor of texas has come out and declared that texas is going to start asserting its 10th its 10th amendment right which basically makes it so that under the constitution technically States are sovereign of all powers...
Read moreDetailsLeManna/iStock/Getty Images Plus “Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment,” reads the “green amendment” to the New York State Constitution. Seventy percent of Empire State voters cast ballots in November 2021 supporting the measure, too, and it’s not hard understanding why. Such a “right” sounds so innocuous, so common-sense oriented, so unarguable;...
Read moreDetailsGovernor whitmer the whitmer plot remember this this was when big gretcherona governor gretchen whitmer out of michigan was allegedly under the surveillance of a group of guys who wanted to kidnap her and the fbi kind of allegedly infiltrated this very secretive group and then busted them at the last minute and said Wow they were really going to...
Read moreDetailsWell i want to thank everybody for joining with us here today uh for the signing of some very important legislation in texas now one thing that all texans can agree and that is that we must have trust and confidence in our elections the bill that i'm about to sign Helps to achieve that goal one thing that it...
Read moreDetailsGood evening five days ago over in california a group of parents have filed a lawsuit against the state because a new curriculum in the public school system was having their children openly pray to five aztec gods meanwhile over in new york a conservative county in the Western part of the state it just passed this resolution right here...
Read moreDetailsWhile the members of the united states congress exit the chamber as they often do after whatever the majority deems appropriate to have on the floor of the house which today was obviously the important national defense authorization act nevertheless in my home state of texas the people of texas are under siege With wide open borders and so right...
Read moreDetailsHow bad is the dividedness of america are these differences that can somehow be bridged or reconciled or is it time finally for the elephants and the donkeys to amicably go our own way nikki haley calls for america to get rid of quote self-loathing but is that really our problem we loathe Ourselves i'll tell you what i think...
Read moreDetailsWhether you realize it or not you me all of us are already living in a revolutionary time it is happening in our country and all over the world but here in america there is no mason dixon line this time the two sides are split ideologically there is there are those that want to Fundamentally change this country and...
Read moreDetailsTalking about common good Wuhan virus vaccines it's supposed to be a global public good but what happens when a vaccine manufacturer starts bullying governments are silenced supplies are halted and profits take precedence over saving lives I'm not describing a hypothetical situation here I am describing what Pfizer is doing the American Farmer Giant it is doing all of...
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