Hello america wow it's been a heck of a week for the mainstream media hasn't it let me just start oh i think maybe with the moab bomb that the durham investigation dropped on the steel dossier just a couple of days ago okay not only was it revealed that christopher steele's primary source was Fabricating and even outright lying...
Read moreDetails2021 the gentleman from texas mr roy is now recognized for 60 minutes as a designee of the minority leader i thank the speaker i'm fascinated to learn that i serve in the united states house of free stuff because that's what i've been hearing non-stop this entire week there's an unlimited supply of Money and resources apparently an unlimited...
Read moreDetailsPresident i ask unanimous consent that senator lankford be recognized for up to six minutes senator murphy for up to five minutes and that i be recognized last for up to 12 minutes prior to the scheduled vote without objection senator from oklahoma it's not hard to be able to recognize the simple fact That this is the united states...
Read moreDetailsHello america over the last three years the mainstream media has done a masterful job as of painting florida as the ultimate red state you know it's a crazy land of anti-vaxxer people mega people they're nuts down there according to this narrative florida's republican governor ron desantis is the creature from the black lagoon Yep they got the creature...
Read moreDetailsAm I here all right we want to thank everyone for coming out today we're going to provide you with something that you all aren't used to with respect to Congressional investigations and that's evidence committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family reviewed Hunter Biden's laptop and Received documents of previously what we've...
Read moreDetailsThis video on YouTube... You're probably into learning, and perhaps, if I might be so bold, smarter content than a lot of YouTube. Recently Brilliant made an important update to their mobile app so that courses can now be accessed offline, so you don't have to worry about having a solid internet connection to learn things through their platform. Maybe...
Read moreDetailsIt is the 19th of November 1863 Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States stands to address his fellow Americans at a cemetery built on the site of the great Battle of Gettysburg four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in Liberty and Dedicated to the proposition that all...
Read moreDetailsThe man known to history as Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the 15th of August 1769 in the town of Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. For centuries this had formed part of the Republic of Genoa, but at the time Napoleon was born it had just been amalgamated into the Kingdom of France. Napoleon’s father was Carlo Buonaparte,...
Read moreDetailsThe man known to history as John Jay was born on the 23rd of December 1745, or the 12th December following the Julian calendar, in New York City, then a town of 10,000 people in the colony of New York, one of more than a dozen colonies on the North American fringe Of the British Empire. John’s father Peter Jay...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie Porter ordered the Illinois State Board of Elections to remove former President Donald Trump from the Illinois Republican Primary Ballot. The ruling comes less than three weeks before the Illinois primary on March 19, and after the Illinois State Board of Elections voted 8-0 to allow Trump to remain on the ballot....
Read moreDetailsForeign the world Nations and even empires have risen they've declined and were lost at time leaving only artifacts behind for archaeologists to piece together what happened from our vantage point it's easier to see what happened the slow decline in so many areas that finally led to a collapse unfortunately we Understand today many of the factors that have...
Read moreDetailsForeign pendants now enters its fourth year longer than anyone had imagined battle after battle has failed to bring either side closer to winning In the north where the revolution began the war has ground to a Deadlock but in the South the fighting has just begun with their victory in Charleston South Carolina the British set grander sites toward...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Nikki Haley The numbers just aren’t there for GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Having lost her home state in Saturday’s GOP primary, Haley probably can’t defeat Donald Trump for a shot at President Joe Biden on November 5. Heading into tomorrow’s primary in Michigan, which will also award delegates in caucuses on March 2, Trump has collected 110...
Read moreDetailsADragan/iStock/Getty Images Plus If Democratic Illinois State Rep. Anne Stava-Murray gets her way, parents who don’t permit a child to get an abortion or receive “gender-affirming” care will be declared child abusers. The latest from a member of Joe Biden’s party surfaced as House Bill 4876 on February 7 when Stava-Murray introduced an amendment to two statutes governing child abuse...
Read moreDetailsBill Oxford/iStock/Getty Images Plus The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has paused in vitro fertilization treatments (IVF) in response to Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of three couples who are suing a clinic in Mobile for wrongful death of frozen embryos. In 2020, a patient entered the clinic’s storage area and dropped a container, killing several embryos. In...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Greg Abbott Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken yet another step to protect Lone Star Staters from the invasion of illegal aliens that President Joe Biden is aiding and abetting. The state is building a military base on the border with Mexico that will house thousands of Texas National Guardsmen. Message from Abbott to Sleepy Joe: You won’t stop...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Pro-Assange protest in London WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange’s hearing at the High Court of Justice in London today could be his last attempt to stop extradition to the United States for publishing hundreds of thousands of classified documents. Assange’s lead lawyer told the court today, “Mr Assange is being prosecuted for engaging in ordinary journalistic...
Read moreDetailsLiudmila Cernetska/iStock/Getty Images Plus The courts in Kentucky have a message for the “trans” men who pretend they are women. If you sexually molest a baby, no worries. You won’t go to jail, and you won’t be convicted of a felony if you can’t get your estrogen in jail. And the courts will take your pro-molester “trans woman” attorney seriously...
Read moreDetailsOleksii Liskonih/iStock/Getty Images Plus In a remarkable reinterpretation of the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii ruled on Wednesday that an individual exercising rights guaranteed under that Amendment was guilty of violating the state’s laws supporting that right. If that seems counter-intuitive to you, you’re not alone. In its ruling the Supreme Court of the State...
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