Tag: Truly Right View

Hillary Clinton Uses Anniversary of D-Day to Compare Trump to Hitler

AP Images Perhaps angered by her political irrelevance in 2024, onetime Democratic nominee for president and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton took to X to seemingly compare presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The former first lady used the anniversary of D-Day to make her opinion known.“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect ...

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Biden Trails Trump in RCP Averages; Job Performance Numbers in the Tank, Popular Vote Victory Possible

AP Images Looking at the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls for November’s election, one understands why Democratic prosecutors are anxious to cripple GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump with ridiculous criminal indictments, and, possibly, prison time.The RCP averages show Biden in big trouble. Biden is still trailing not only in the average of nationwide polls, but also in the crucial seven ...

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How Not to Ban Music

Teenagers are stereotypically rebellious. They push boundaries, make bad decisions, and are frequently ornery enough to do things precisely because they were told not to. In retrospect, banning rock ‘n’ roll wasn’t an effective strategy if the goal was to encourage teenagers to pick a different kind of music to jam to. (READ MORE from Aubrey Gulick: The Mother of ...

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Bank of America’s Policy Change in Financing the Firearms Industry Is No Change At All

UltraONEs/iStock/Getty Images Plus The change in Bank of America’s “Environmental and Social Risk Policy,” updated in December, appeared to be good news for the firearms industry. Instead of refusing to finance any company involved in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of so-called assault weapons, BofA said it would subject requests for financing by members of the industry to “enhanced due ...

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Calif. Minimum-wage Hike Result: Fish Taco Chain Closes 48 Stores; Prices Rise; Fast Food Now a Luxury

Willis Lam/Flickr Under the theory that all the government must do to help employees earn more money is order businesses to pay a higher wage, last year California hiked the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 per hour, effective in April this year.For about a month, fast-food workers at Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a popular fish taco chain, earned more ...

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Left-wing Violence: Abortion Radicals Attack Churches; Biden Turns Blind Eye

Pawel Kajak/iStock/Getty Images Plus There are sins of commission, things you shouldn’t have done, but did; and sins of omission, things you should have done, but didn’t. When the two come together, you can have evildoers and enablers, such as when miscreants commit crimes and authorities ignore the crimes.Enter the Biden administration.At issue is something you probably won’t learn about ...

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Confirmed: Biden Is “Slipping”: WSJ Report Cites GOP, Democrats; White House Pushes Dems to Call Back Reporters to Revise Remarks

Gage Skidmore/Flickr The Wall Street Journal has confirmed that President Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president because of failing memory and cognitive decline.The article doesn’t draw that conclusion, of course. Instead, it leads the reader to it with interviews from congressmen, including Democrats, who say that Biden’s elevator stops short of the top floor.The report also reveals how ...

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Jordan Peterson Lambastes “Pride Month” as “Sexual Narcissism”

YouTube Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist who became famous for questioning a Canadian law demanding strict adherence to gender pronouns, recently made his thoughts on the so-called Pride Month quite clear. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Peterson made known that he is not a fan of the month dedicated to aberrant sexual behavior.Each June, society must endure “Pride ...

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Will This Sway the 2024 Election?

Welcome to America Uncovered. I'm Chris Chappell. We got an election coming up! Whooooo! And social media companies are making sure we get the correct facts so we can make the right choice. That might mean silencing a few voices. But don’t worry, they’re private companies so it’s not a violation of the first amendment. What’s that Shelley? Oh it ...

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