Mattera: Identity politics is rooted in the belief that truth is subjective, that there’s no capital-T truth, there’s no meta narrative, and no big story. It’s all tied to one’s personal story. Truth is viewed through the prism of your identity group, race, gender, sexual orientation, so on, and so forth.
Your values and character as an individual are minimized in favor of your group status. It’s a repugnant premise, and the irony is while liberals are constantly talking about systemic discrimination and oppression, they’re the ones who are actually promoting it. They’re the ones who favor racial preferences
On college campuses and in government and in business. They’re the ones who are trying to prejudge a person and even penalize a person on the basis of how they look. It’s evil and immoral.
Video Tags: jason mattera,identity politics,young america’s foundation,college campuses,subjective truth,systemic racism,oppression,conservative,racism,morality,truth,objective truth,free speech
Video Duration: 00:01:21