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and welcome in everyone to redacted on this uh Wednesday I’m Clayton Morris I’m Natalie Morris and on this show we tend to cover the stories the mainstream media ignores uh and we are going to cover some some big stories today uh certainly on the Epstein Client List that could be incoming as it relates to AG Pam Bondi now being officially sworn in as attorney general and there are rumors swirling right now that this thing is about to drop you have to wonder though if it’s about to drop or they’re going to wait for cash Patel to get in because he said he would sort of they would sort of tag team this and release it sort of simultaneously so we’ll see all of that but we’re going to cover what AG Pam Bondi just did because that’s not the only thing that she’s about to do not just the Epstein list but also uh Sanctuary cities a number of orders from her office just in the first few hours we will go through that file that under this girl not messing around uh because yeah she no MOS grows on that stone we’re also going to talk about who is stat run media that you may not have known is stat run media you probably have an inkling based on their coverage but more uh news outlets are being exposed under this us Aid debacle where the government is pulling back on us Aid and we’re seeing where did our money go oh for journalists to lie to us also I mean the Fallout from this Trump comments in the white house yesterday with Benjamin Netanyahu where the United States is going to take over Gaza we’re going to move people out of there and basically build a new economic zone I mean the Fallout from this both on the good side and bad side around the world is reverberating so we’re going to talk more deeply about that today and has the White House sort of clarified a position on that it apparently caught Israelis totally by surprise even members of Trump’s own staff totally by surprise they didn’t know that this was coming and we’re also going to talk about the CIA guess what the CIA apparently doesn’t trust Israel really uh we’re going to talk about some new reports out of the CIA which is look like it’s about to be purged plus a bombshell report out of the province of Alberta in Canada published a damning report about the co pandemic this is a government saying we got it all wrong during the pandemic when it came to vaccines masks lockdowns all of it and guess what we were led by the nose by the federal government I can’t wait for you to see this report because it’s what we have already known here and it is what now a government is admitting and I’m like this about it so stay tuned for that also we’re going to talk about Trudeau because looks like he was lying to president Trump about that 10 those 10,000 soldiers heading to the border to help out to avoid tariff so we’ve got a lot of stories to get to here and someone in the chat says yes uh redacted is not federally funded so we don’t receive any money from the feds we don’t receive any money from us Aid we’re just going to declaratively state that right here uh we are supported by you and the few sponsors that we have here on the show and the sponsors that we have we tell you outright yes so that’s what we got all right let’s get into it shall we let’s get into the news so get ready folks the Epstein list could be dropping at any moment uh now that Pam Bondi was just sworn in as the new Attorney General of course she served as Attorney General of Florida she’s a fantastic uh woman she’s a fantastic Attorney General of Florida and she was just sworn in and she promised that she would do it she promised that she would do it and according to sources Bondi is already calling for the list to be released ASAP so now my question is will it be we’ll get to the cash Patel piece of this in a second because he said the same thing so the two of them working in conjunction but he hasn’t been confirmed yet or they’re going to wait until he’s in before they fully release the list because there’s a lot of FBI side of this that will have to go hand inand nevertheless Democrats are in panic mode today over this um including Bill Clinton um she just talked about this with Sean Hannity and the number of people who are about to be exposed watch well we know he was on the plane not only on the plane a couple times multiple times he traveled internationally internationally with Jeffrey and he was on the plane called the Lolita Express because it supposedly had a bed in there where Jeffrey Epstein had young girls um he has been a friend of his A continuing friend of his for years and years contrast out with Donald Trump who hasn’t spoken to him in many years over a decade after he kicked him out of Mara Lago for bad behavior so we’ll see exactly how all this comes together um we know that reporting from the New York Post today has the British side of this they’re kind of in panic mode we also know the king is not happy and is said to be embarrassed by prince Andrew new reports from the New York Post today saying that prince Andrew is terrified to ever visit the United States again after now there are fresh calls from in the FBI to go further into the Epstein Client List and look for more deeply at the corruption and the sex trafficking his involvement in the child sex trafficking piece of this uh recall how British Parliament defended him and fought for extradition for Julian Assange over claims that he had sexually assaulted ladies British Parliament total Hypocrites for protecting the royalty while calling for uh and and lacking curiosity about the actual claims of sexual assault for julan Assange I can’t let that one go please go ahead uh Senator marshia Blackburn of course last week just asked cash Patel about this very thing so here’s the cash Patel side of this he says absolutely and of course we’re waiting for that confirmation hearing to uh the actual vote to happen for cash Patel so wondering exactly when the timing of this will come out of AG Pam bondi’s office but here was Senator Blackburn asking cash Patel specifically about this I want to talk to you about the Epstein case I have worked on this for years trying to get those records of who flew on Epstein’s plane and who helped him build this international human trafficking sex trafficking ring now earlier I urged then chairman Durban uh to subpoena those records and I ended up being blocked by uh Senator deran and Christopher what Ray they stonewalled on this and I know that breaking up these trafficking Rings is important to president Trump so will you work with me on this issue so we know who worked with Jeffrey Epstein in building the sex trafficking Rings absolutely Senator child sex trafficking has no place in the United States of America and I will do everything if confirmed as FBI director to make sure the American public knows the full weight of what happened in the past and how we are going to counterman missing children and exploited children going F thank you for that so right now we’re all on like Epstein watch um she has directed a number of orders inside her office um and so it’s unclear exactly how this list would be released how much of it would be redacted or is it full transparency and being released and how much of this will have the FBI side of this and cash Patel’s involvement when he is officially confirmed and puts his hand on the Bible and is sworn in so we’re waiting on that side of it don’t you feel like you have a fish on the hook and it may get away before you roll it in that’s how I feel about this well I felt but now that she’s in that’s a huge piece of this you know cash Patel that I’m certain he’s going to be confirmed I have you know I think there’s no I think there’s all evidence to the you know to the confirmation of cash Patel go ahead philli oh I was going to say like I I I know exactly what Natalie is saying because I I I feel like if we if we actually get this list that it’ll be it’ll be one of two things in my opinion it will be completely redacted and there will be no names on it or it’ll be 50% redacted because there are too many powerful people that are tied to to to all of this that they’re not going to want their name out so I think we’re either going to get fully redacted or like half redacted but I don’t think we’re ever going to see the full list I hope so yeah we’ll see I mean and again we were talking just here before the show you know Trump obviously and how long ago did he you know know Jeffrey Epstein so full transparency so let’s have the Donald Trump side of it out there fully as well so we can see how many times he met with him all of those pieces just so everything is out there uh no like right you know right-wing conspiracy leftwing conspiracy um you know we are an independent show so we don’t we think both of these parties are corrupt so I want all of the names out there I don’t care who I don’t care what part what affiliation I want them all out there well another big thing from attorney general Pam bondi’s office today not wasting any time on her first day in office today she made huge moves against Sanctuary cities she just ordered the Department of Justice to immediately stop all federal funding to cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration enforcement that means places like New York Chicago San Francisco could soon be feeling the financial squeeze from the federal government if they don’t comply with this um and Fox News exclusively got a list of like her executive orders that she’s put in place or her directives today she’s also going after NOS those non-governmental organizations that are helping illegal immigrants which is fabulous we’ve been hoping that she would go out because those NOS are responsible for the sex trafficking into the United States Catholic Charities highest which is the Hebrew International Aid Society so yes both the Catholics and and the Jews the Hebrews and the Catholics and these those those not non-governmental organizations we’ve covered them here on the show and and many more of these NOS that are responsible for funneling these in uh these illegal immigrants into the United States they need to be cut off they need to be investigated criminally because where did all these children go at the hands of the Biden Administration under the Department of Homeland Security and Alejandro my orcus she’s also said she’s going to go after government government officials who are thwarting ice investigations and uh any investigation into illegal migrants and so nobody is safe recall that American citizens do face penalties for aiding and abetting any uh so you need to speak with your own lawyer before you go online and say I’m not cooperating with this Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey right Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey who admitted that he has a illegal immigrant like living in his house to which Tom homman said thank you sir we’re on this one yeah uh it’s unbelievable you’re a governor of New Jersey and you’re like by the way I’m harboring an illegal immigrant in my house like and I think I’m above it what okay anyway so the bottom line on that one follow the law or lose the cash if you’re a sanctuary City so I you know I’m I’m curious what’s going to happen in some of these cities like Denver and and San Francisco and others um and a number of other she’s also lifted the federal moratorium on the death penalty this afternoon uh new focus on capital punishment for federal cases she also uh outlined a strategy to go after drug cartels specifically and organized crime and drug trafficking throughout the nation in general and also depoliticizing the doj so she’s walking in today though with a messy FBI I mean you got like you know thousands of Agents right now that are worried about like being kicked out of the agency because of their involvement in January 6th um so she’s walking into an absolute mess that she’s going to have to try to clean up but hopefully we get this Jeffrey Epstein list here uh very very soon it might it might even drop here um during the show if it does Drop Like right while we’re talking please let me know because I like to go through it we’re going to have to hold please yes all right well we’re continuing to peel back the rotten onion that is USA after the federal government announced that it is repealing funding and absorbing it into the state department as that’s being done the rest of us are being notified of what our tax dollars have been put into we’ve talked about some of the more absurd ones such as a drag Opera in South America things like that but now we’re looking at how us Aid was funneling millions of dollars to Politico the news organization Politico it turns out was statun media now if you follow their coverage that’s been pretty clear but here is what some eagley observers have pointed out and in fact it seems to be true that’s right that in fact Politico receiving uh well specifically usaid buying political Pro subscriptions to the tunes of millions of dollars so us Aid funneling millions of dollars to Politico now people on I were say well no these were Pro subscriptions does matter it’s still political Pro so they well okay but if you look at the money it’s half a million dollars for 37 subscriptions those are really expensive subscriptions that’s a subscrip uh State Department whistleblower Mike Ben points out that there is a difference between us spending of a grant database and a us spending for premium subscriptions and also paying media Outlets to produce news and these Revelations show that us was doing both so it’s not just paid subscriptions it’s also pay forplay media which we are supposed to disclose would you have conflicts ex that was not being done like if we were going to if we’re on the show here and doing a story about uh I don’t know something in the government and we didn’t tell you that like oh us Aid paid you paid us for this show like I mean that’s a that’s an FTC violation right um so well well I can give you another example when we have wellness company doctors here on the show because they are the ones who have been calling out the government for pandemic measures we need to tell you that the wellness company is also a sponsor of our show we make sure to do that because we’re we would never want to mislead you and we are supposed to those are the rules yeah um all right but also talk about this so the money that was flowing from usaid to Politico you know shut off so usaid shut down the other day essentially we’ll see how much of it gets folded into Marco Rubio state department but what’s interesting is that all of a sudden the for the first time in their history Politico sent out an email to their employees letting them know that their payroll uh system had a glitch and they weren’t able to get their paychecks out Dear team goalie and I want to address this morning’s payroll issue directly due to what we believe is a technical error employees did not receive their paychecks as scheduled we understand the urgency of this matter and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience our team is working diligently with our system vendors and the bank to identify the root cause and implement a solution as quickly as possible okay does it have anything to do with the fact that they just shut off your funding maybe we don’t know or it could it could just be a technical glitch but that’s the first time that that’s ever happened to Politico now when we look at the types of stories that political covers we look at how they were one of the first to call the hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation well where do you think they got that we know exactly where they got that because the FBI fed this story to many media Outlets not just Politico but they dutifully picked it up interesting though that the White House at the Press briefing just today said to their faces because they were in the room that you know they’re not getting any funding anymore so your paycheck was the last one watch so upon coming out here to the briefing room I was uh made aware of the funding from usaid to Media Outlets including Politico who I know has a seat in this room um and I can confirm that the more than 8 million taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to Politico and the American taxpayers di will no longer be happening uh the Doge team is working on canceling those payments now can you imagine being the reporter from Politico in that room you’re like okay but also am I going to get a paycheck anymore because you guys have been funding my journalism very silent on this too I’ve been watching their feed go ahead please I imagine they’re the reporter will be grabbing some extra snacks on the way out from the from the snack table because and a toilet paper roll some of those some of those nature bars on the way out right I’m going to be eaten for a few weeks here’s how this is being perceived it’s a little okay yes it’s a Shen Freud here’s a story that Politico published just today from a reporter saying hey this is my first story on Politico about how president Trump’s actions are informed by project 2025 well of course that’s in line with the Deep States agenda right and so look at the comments here how people are saying oh we know that your government bosses told you to write this oh your X feed must be pretty bad now that everyone knows that USA paid for this reporting paid for by my taxes it just goes on and on and on this poor lady who just took an assignment that she was passionate about is getting hammered because we all know that this is in line with a deep State agenda that is no longer subsidized by taxpayers and in fact even in Europe Hungarian prime minister Victor orbon said this about it so apparently USA was financing the ultra Progressive Politico in Brussels so even they had an agenda in Europe and they called orbon the disruptor of the year he’s saying okay now I see why and where that came from so he thanks Donald Trump for putting an end to this and uncovering it which I mean it’s what the rest of us sort of feel anyway when we read Politico and there contemporaries but now we know what we thought we knew all right we got more news to get to here oop sorry oh sorry if I could just real quick I I like a serious question I wonder like honestly if the CIA relies so much on this media manipulation like what is their plan what like how can the CIA operate if they can’t control the narrative like that like like they they seriously like it’s it’s not just a blow to Politico like the CIA is in serious trouble if they if they no longer have that toolable that’s a great great question for our next guest CIA whistleblower John kyaku is going to be joining us in a moment here and let’s ask him we we brought him on for another story but let’s we’ll ask him that question John is a very smart man so we’ll talk to him about that in a second but we’re going to talk to John specifically about this expunging right now the um am I using the right word expunging let’s call it a purge I don’t know CIA Purge there’s a gerud to expunge oh yeah so they’re going to you know Trump Administration purging the CIAA right now I believe the report is last night they’ve offered them like hey you can get like 8 months pay and just leave quit now basically shutting almost essentially shutting down the CIA but also we’re learning that the CIA really doesn’t trust uh Israel and a lot of the Intel assets from Israel inside the United States so we’re going to talk all about that in a second but first I just had some lunch and I had a factor meal actually had a delicious chicken meal with some uh with some string beans today it was my lunch today and if you’re ready to optimize your nutrition this year Factor has chef made gourmet meals that make um eating very very easy and I’ve lost now 5 lbs I feel great about it um they are dietitian approved ready to heat 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off your first box plus free shipping that’s code redacted 50 off Factor meals.com redacted 50 off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box so thanks to factor for supporting Independent Media here thank you factor so now you know who we take money for they are not the CIA so there we go okay well the Trump Administration is said to be ready to purge the CIA the same way it did other federal workers now this is the same offer that other federal government workers were offered if you retire you’ll get paid for 6 to 8 months you don’t have to come to work and then your contract ends and you go do something else now the Wall Street Journal reports that this move is to quote bring the agency in line with President Trump’s priorities including targeting drug cartels a CIA spokes work person said that this is an effort to infuse the agency with Renewed Energy but is there something more well our next guest is the former CIA agent and a whistleblower he says that the CIA considers Israel and antagonistic power to the tune of North Korea he joins us today that thank you for joining us uh John kyaku oh it’s my pleasure thanks so much for having me the pleasure is all ours so do you think that this CIA Purge is perhaps related to the Netanyahu visit or is this something that Israel actually wants I don’t think it has very much to do with Israel I think it has very much to do with Donald Trump and to tell you the truth Donald Trump is the first president with the guts to downsize the CIA since the Carter Administration the organization has just grown and grown and it’s become bloated and topheavy I remember 20 years ago senior Cia officer saying that it was inexcusable that there were more CIA officials in CIA headquarters than there were overseas actually doing the job of recruiting spies to steal secrets so I I think this is a very positive development I want to get back to the the relationship with Israel inside the United States in a second but right before the break we were talking about the media uh we’ve had a number of whistleblowers on our show tell us that if the CIA the Deep State the intelligence Community want to get stories out they can go to Politico they can go to Washington Post they go to the New York Times that’s where a lot of these stories show up so how can the CIA now that you know we we’re outing these news organizations like Politico today for taking money from us Aid how can the CIA get out their fake stories John I know right this is scandalous it’s scandalous and it’s unamerican it it used to be a common thing for the CIA to plant stories in the US media uh by recruiting American journalists that became illegal in 1975 and so they just did the next best thing they just said hey police IO hey New York Times or Washington Post you’re Patriot why don’t you put this story in your paper for us Patriot and then they ended up doing it there’s a journalist um at Bloomberg by the name of um Jason Leopold who’s an outstanding investigative journalist he did a Freedom of Information Act request some years ago asking the cia’s uh office of public affairs for all correspondents all email correspondents between the CIA and American journalists and what he found was several very interesting things first um a a major journalist at uh at NBC and MSNBC was sending his his reports his articles to the CIA for clearance before he sent them to his own editor at NBC inexcusable but even more interestingly he found that by the way is that person’s name kend delanian at NBC that person’s name is kend delanian yes indeed it is and it’s ACH I had it was yeah but he also found he also found an independent journalist who had written uh to the CIA saying hey I uncovered this important story do you have a comment and the response from the CIA was don’t you dare report that story if you do you are never invited to the CIA Christmas party again and we will never confirm or deny any story for you so they don’t even have to recruit journalists anymore they just bully them or they say hey listen we like you you like us we’re all friends why don’t you do this for us do you recall I think it was last year when Claire Dan’s talking about her work playing a CIA agent in what what is it home the Homeland Homeland right she said that she had been to some kind of intelligence camp where the CIA was allying itself with Hollywood and the media and coar cut her off do you buy that absolutely yes the CIA has long had uh a liaison relationship with Hollywood Studios and just in the last 5 years they created a branch within their Bureau of public affairs uh or office of public affairs whose job it is solely to liaz with government with uh the Hollywood Studios to make the CIA look good it’s exactly the same thing that the FBI has been doing since the 40s John you know someone in our chat just said wow I didn’t know redacted was anti-israel and of course we are not we’re just we’re America First we’re pro-america and I don’t want Israeli Massad agents inside our government and inside of our CIA well you know deeply you’ve spoken out about this so I just want to be clear we’re not anti-israel we are anti other governments inside our government I’d love to know your thoughts on that you’ve been outspoken about how the CIA wouldn’t even hold meetings indoors because they were worried about being bugged by Israel can you talk about this certainly we we used to uh meet with Israeli officials uh in CIA headquarters all the time until the Israelis recruited Jonathan Pard they directed him against the American government and he passed top secret information back to the Israeli mad uh in addition the Israelis were always very kind in that they would bring gifts when they would come to CIA headquarters the problem is those gifts almost always contained listening devices and were packed with batteries so finally we had to said look you guys this is not cool we’re not going to allow you in the building again and so we meet with them at an off-site facility when I first joined the CIA like literally on my very first day at the CIA back in January of 1990 the director of security gave all the new employees a briefing and he said you know there are two Israeli intelligence officers that are declared to the CIA and the FBI one from Mad one from shinb it’s a totally normal common thing that happens but the FBI was was able to identify another 189 Undeclared uh Israeli Intelligence Officers all across America spying on the United States and trying mightily to infiltrate American defense contractors so look either we’re going to be brothers in this thing or we’re going to be adversaries but we can’t be both that sounds like McCarthy era I mean is it possible that we may we now know McCarthy was right the Ona files proved that when the fall of the Soviet Union they gave us the proof that McCarthy was actually looking at uh Soviets who were infiltrated in the US state department so is it possible now with this new turnover of Gaza that we do get proof that there has been Israeli spies inside of our government too oh we’ve got the proof it’s just a question of uh of releasing it and it hasn’t been in our interest over the course of all these years uh to to embarrass the Israelis you know spying aside we’re very very close to the Israelis uh we give the Israelis just about everything they want they have the most advanced Weaponry every time we invent something new the Israelis are the first to get it but they’re always afraid that we’re holding something back and they just want to know for themselves if we are holding something back and if they find that we are they’re going to approach us and they’re going to ask us for it we’re not we’re not holding anything back but this is just the the way the Israelis operate and the reason is and I’m not even saying that I blame the Israelis but the reason is um they have nowhere to go if they’re pushed anywhere it’s going to be into the Mediterranean and they can’t risk that and so they will do literally anything to maintain their security John kiraku but you know I’ll get you out of here on this question Tulsi gabard a lot of push back on her as it related to Edward Snowden and you know it’s kind of amazing to me you know she holds that he’s an American Hero I hold that he’s an American hero I don’t know where you come down on this but were you surprised by the vehement and the the vitriol from uh the questioners in that room about Edward Snowden and her position on that I I was actually I was especially surprised to see it coming from Republicans I would expect it from Democrats and I was surprised for a couple of reasons and before I even I even give you the reasons let me say I think Ed Snowden is a Bonafide American hero and I was proud of Tulsi gabard for standing up for and standing up for her own beliefs she would not allow herself to be bullied uh in these hearings one of the things that bothered me the most was the use of the word traitor there is a constitutional definition of the word traitor it is a person who provides Aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of War he did not provide Aid and comfort to the enemy and we are not in a time of War there has not been a declaration of war by Congress since December the 8th 1941 so he’s not a traitor um one of the other things that surprised me and I think this came from Senator Angus King the independent Democrat from uh from Maine um he said that um that uh well besides saying that that Ed Snowden should be hanging from a tree he said that Snowden had defected to Russia that is absolutely not true he was in the transit Lounge of Moscow airport on his way to Ecuador when John kery revoked his passport and he was not able to fly so let’s let’s keep the honest people honest up there on Capitol Hill that’s amazing I have one more question uh so now the Trump Administration is saying that it’s purging the CIA because it wants to focus more on the Western Hemisphere than all the meddling that we’ve been doing in Europe in the Middle East do you buy that yeah in part I think Donald Trump has been actually pretty clear and pretty consistent about being um anti-war at the core of his IDE ology I welcome that there’s no reason why we should always be at odds with Russia and China if Marco Rubio the new secretary of state is correct when he says that we have to accept the inevitability of a multi-polar world I think that we do have to accept the EV the inevitability of a multi-polar world so let’s let’s focus on things that are a little bit closer to home for example Mexican drug cartels why is the CIA at odds with the Drug Enforcement Administration when really at the end of the day drugs crossing the border into the United States is a bad thing and we should all be working together to stop it right yeah John kiraku we appreciate you joining us thank you for your Insight by the way just remind our audience here what did you blow the whistle on specifically in the corruption in the CIA just so our was prosecuted for yeah I was prosecuted for it it was I blew the whistle on the cia’s torture program in uh in 2007 and funny enough the the Bush Administration uh said that I hadn’t done anything wrong it was it was years later when Barack Obama became president that the Obama Administration prosecuted me oh then on that on that topic what are your I’m sorry but I’m so interested what what are your thoughts on uh reopening Guantanamo Bay then because I think most of us get scared that we could then you reopen the torture program under Bush and Obama and have innocent people in there so but of course there’s bad guys we do never want to see again how do we keep an eye on that that that doesn’t turn into that yeah I I’m strongly opposed to doing anything with Guantanamo other than closing it and in terms of of the bad guys pursuing the bad guys I think really the the right thing to do is quite simple you do what the Constitution tells us to do you you charge them with a crime you give them their day in court and allow them to face a jury of their peers if they’re guilty and we can prove that they’re guilty and then we incarcerate them but putting them in a no man’s land in a limbo at Guantanamo isn’t going to work for anybody yeah and and what do you think how can we know as Americans because we didn’t know what was happening to innocent people on our tax Dollar on our dime what we look for as journalists even that’s a great point and it’s something that really was not addressed for years under either George W bush or Barack Obama you know the answer is a difficult one problem purposes Guantanamo is off limits for for almost all journalists and so we have to rely on the Congressional oversight committees but the Congressional oversight committees really have turned into little more than cheerleaders for for the various elements of the deep State well without the oversight committees all we have left are journalists it makes our job that much harder all right well let’s stick with it thank you so much for that Insight I really appreciate my pleasure thank you John great to see you thanks so much my pleasure we’ll be watching the CIA being gutted be interesting to see about all of that um we’re going to talk about Gaza next and we’re going to Deep dive what it means for the United States uh will the United States military need to take over Gaza uh many many Trump supporters Mega supporters uh say hey we didn’t sign up for this uh we didn’t want the United States involved in the Middle East why are we going to be taking over Gaza what’s going on here there was surprise apparently from inside the Trump Administration to these comments with Netanyahu apparently the Israelis were shocked by it so there’s a lot to unpack here what does it mean for the Palestinians uh what does it mean for Hamas which is still strong and and in tunnels underneath pal Palestinian lands and hasn’t really been hurt at all in this so we’ll talk about all of that in just a second but first first we’d like to remind you that redacted is sponsored by bi optimizers which is a great way for you to look into getting magnesium into your diet magnesium is an essential ingredient to manage stress maintain a calm balanced mood and also make sure you optimize your sleep and recovery from whatever it is you do hopefully regular workouts and movement and then your body recovers with the help of magnesium in fact most people are deficient which can lead to poor stress response fatigue and even poor Sleep Quality but magnesium breakthrough helps balance your levels so you can better handle your New Year’s resolution it’s a unique blend of magnesium citate glycinate toate and more and it ensures maximum absorption and utilization by your Sal so you can go to buy optimizers reacted enter the code redacted and you’ll get 10% off your order plus you can make sure that you have a subscription so you get free gifts and make sure your monthly Supply is guaranteed so again check them out at buy optimizers docomo there’s really no Health influencer that doesn’t agree that everyone needs magnesium as an essential part of their day so again buy optimizers docomo and use the promo code redacted well Trump just shocked the world over Gaza was it a bold move or is it totally insane um some are calling it the knba 2.0 friend of the show George Galloway um who hosts the Moes show just called it Trump’s knba is that too harsh uh we’ll discuss just for some context here the original knba happened in 1948 when Israelis killed displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians Britain of course the United Nation worked hand and glove to basically come up with the plan I’m simply ifying it of course but the Arabs rejected it so but the United Nations and Britain said yeah this is what we’re going to do so they went along with it and did it U but it didn’t matter they were ethnically cleansed they were removed from their lands so are we facing now a repeat of that has it already happened what comes next is the president president Trump’s quote here it is by the way that just sent shock waves through the world the Fallout has been Fast and Furious everyone trying to parse out what the president meant when he said this yesterday about Gaza listen the US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too we’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings level it out create an economic development that will Supply Unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area where exactly are you suggesting that they should go and two are you saying they should return after it’s rebuilt and if not who do you envision living there I to Envision a world people living there the world’s people I think you’ll make that into an international unbelievable place I think the potential in the Gaza Strip is unbelievable and I think the entire world representatives from all over the world will be there and they’ll and they’ll live there Palestinians also Palestinians will live there many people will live there so he said that but then a little you know separately Peter Ducey uh asked about specifically about the Palestinians from Fox News he asked this question and Trump kind of gave a totally different answer I guess listen Palestinians have would Palestinians have the right to return to Gaza if they left while the rebuilding was Happ it would be my hope that we could do something really nice really good where they wouldn’t want to return why would they want to return the place has been h it’s been one of the meanest one of the meanest toughest places on Earth so and and Netanyahu is sitting there saying yes it’s mean and tough we are mean and tough on them mean and tough all right according to SP sources I’ve spoken with in t Aviv Israeli reaction they were shocked by this they didn’t see this coming they didn’t see this coming at all and according to Real Clear Politics Trump’s own staff didn’t see this coming Ryan Grim is the co-founder of the Independent Media website dropsite news co-host of counterpoints on YouTube and Ryan joins us now for some perspective on all of us Ryan I know you’ve been covering this deeply uh it’s now you’ve had like 24 hours to kind of digest this um it seems like the Trump White House was kind of caught blindsided by this which is funny because Trump himself said this is not a decision that I have taken lightly you know this is you know the result of serious deliberation uh what whatever those serious deliberations were they apparently did not include senior Administration officials or as you just pointed out by the look of his face Benjamin Netanyahu it doesn’t appear like that even came up in the meeting uh between the two of them since then uh Rubio has made some interesting kind of cleanup comments and I think we’ll probably see you know for as long as Rubio is serving as Secretary of State this will be one of the roles that he plays the way that tried clean up man the way that Rubio tried to reframe what Trump said he said it was not meant in a hostile manner uh it was meant in a generous manner um and actually as I was rewatching it just now you can always tell when Trump moves from what he’s reading or the teleprompter to his own language right what was written down clearly was we will take over Gaza and then he added you know and we will own it and it will will be amazing something like that and then he and then he goes back to reading again and he says and you know we will you know oversee the oversee the Reconstruction and so if you try to piece together what was written and and match it with what Rubio was saying which Rubio said it was a offer made out of generosity not hostility that we are willing the US is willing to do a lot of the Reconstruction work to and there are um enormous like Untold numbers of unexploded ordinance you know throughout Gaza like that’s a fact like that that does need to be dealt with so what he’s saying is we will do that we will do that demolition work and we will do the Reconstruction work and Rubio even implied and even said out sorry who they’d be coming back the unex who who who Dr you know this a good question um so Trump was there with Netanyahu he could have asked Netanyahu if he had any idea you know where you know how this became a demolition it or where all this orle basically he called it a hell hole yeah yeah I think it was I think it was a natural disaster you know in just an unfortunate circumstance that which is the way that he’s talking about and to hear him talk about it with Netanyahu sitting right there was a little extra deranged um but so could to take Trump seriously the the problem with his uh suggestion there is that it’s it’s not completely uninhabitable hundreds of thousands of Palestinians can return to their homes and their homes are not destroyed there are also other places within Gaza that people could go they could also go to the West Bank they could go to the negtive desert to your point who who did this destruction Israel did this destruction therefore why are they asking Egypt and Jordan and and he’s mentioned maybe there’ll be some other places that’ll uh handle us like if they if people need to be moved while there’s reconstruction it’s Israel’s responsibility um to house them somewhere and then you know they’re going to have a right of return to Gaza because Israel doesn’t want them there so many things to unpack here because Hamas right this is at the heart of it right so Hamas according to sources I’ve spoken with is largely still intact functioning um so is the United States now going to be a police force there to go and try to stop Hamas this is and this is why so many magga supporters and so many Trump supporters I see them in our chat right now saying I don’t want us in the Middle East at all get out of the Middle East we didn’t sign up for this so are American forces now going to be involved in trying to root out Hamas one of Trump’s uh attractive qualities to a lot of magga supporters was his willingness to call out the Republican establishment for its adventurism in the Middle East specifically the Iraq War uh to to then come full circle and say we’re going to go back in which he said he was asked directly does this mean us boots on the ground and and Trump said if that’s what it means then yes to Rubio today said no of course not we’re not doing that um so you know you you make make of it what you will but like he’s still the president he still still said it but you’re right right if he’s trying to get 1.7 million people out who don’t want to leave because they’re being told they’re not going to be allowed back in then you have to take them out violently and that means troops and that means casualties I I’ve tried to come around this to Envision this Utopia that he has maybe for anyone who’s ever been to Dubai or charmal shake and you see these cities that are being built up as International places of travel and commerce and they’re beautiful and people who live in those countries are really proud of those places so there is maybe this idea because it’s beachfront property that it could be this beautiful tourism Mecca that is redone and controlled by the United States and then handed off I it’s really hard it’s hard right because you know that the two-state solution is going to be fought in a bloody way in perpetuity and there’s this like Utopia that seems so unlikely and so most of us just don’t know what to do with those two conflicting Visions plus the idea that if uh Trump or one of his successors is not a republican the Democrats would just give it up and go back to fighting so I think that’s what I’m chewing on do you are are you also digesting something like that you’re and you’re right interestingly like there there is a path like Hamas has said that it it is willing to be just a basically rebranded um element of a technocratic government and it be willing you know there there are indications that that under the right circumstances they’d be willing to disarm and engage in the in a political process process uh and then if you have you know Saudi Arabia UAE Kutter you know funding the Redevelopment of of Gaza and you have you know the Palestinians would love nothing more than to have you know serious reconstruction uh funded in a in a peaceful way and in a way that allows them to benefit as well as everyone else in the world go ahead you know come visit Gaza come that just like you visit Doha or Dubai uh but you’re right the the obstacle there is Israel Israel doesn’t want to see that Israel is currently not allowing in basic humanitarian Aid let alone like even bulldozers or the kinds of things that you would need to begin the you know just step taking steps in that direction so uh that is an impass that Trump would have to use political capit get through and then yeah exactly what happens when somebody else comes great let me let me just follow up on this because you speak about humanitarian Aid and then in the same day the White House announces that it will no longer participate with c certain United Nations organizations such as unra which is the main organization that has funneled Aid into there and Israel says they helped plan and execute October 7th so they’re our main enemy and so Trump then does something exactly what they would want and so do you think that that’s possibly something he he gave Israel in order to work this deal or something you know he’s he’s he’s it’s interesting he’s constantly giving Israel things in the same confence he said that within weeks he’s going to decide whether or not he’s going to allow uh Israel to an the West Bank which is you know the and the whole thing is the these are these are wild just constructions to even think about like who’s the United States to allow Israel to an next you know territory that they have no right to either way he’s saying he’s going to make that decision Miriam Adon gave him more than $100 million and was reported that she that when she gave it to him that was her demand that that he allowed for the annexation of the West Bank just like you know she previously demanded that he move the the capital you know the embassy from uh Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which he did and he’s very proud of um he also brags about how he quote quote unquote gave them the Golan Heights um which they’ve since you know expanded their control over uh so it’s it’s this it’s this given push and pull where he’s consistently giving them things that Democrats would never even dream of giving them um yet also then pushing them in in the other direction like pushing them to do a ceasefire when if you know con Harris were elected we’d Pro you know we’d still have the low-grade bombing campaign going on presumably um there was no no indication that she was you know willing to use any pressure or political Capital to get to to get to a ceasefire so it’s it’s a very confused and confusing moment yeah yeah I mean I’m trying to be positive here because at the heart of it Trump we know negotiated a ceasefire so there’s a ceasefire in place people are not dying largely in the way that they were before well they are in Lebanon yes but I right now so you know taking the winds where we can get them small like incremental wins so but you know it’s also the criticism of trump is that he usually ends up going with the thing that the last person in the room has told him um friend of the show Colonel Douglas McGregor who worked for Trump said that this was a big frustration that the last person to speak to Trump is where Trump usually went with his decision- making process and I couldn’t help but thinking if we you know Jared Kushner uh and his involvement um we know Jared kushner’s involvement in the in this area and had vowed to turn Gaza into a Riviera and this all this waterfront property could be very valuable um and so did he have his ear before Benjamin Netanyahu came to town was Jared Kushner in the room like talking about this Utopia in Gaza that could be built there’s memes floating around in Israeli Press today of Trump Tower Gaza like you know of course reporting yeah there’s been reporting that that that Jared’s idea was was part of the mix here that and that Jared has been talking to him about this and and that he and wit cof and uh Trump are talking about it like the real estate guys that they are know Trump it’s you know it’s all fundamentally who he is you heard him talking about North Korea I bet you know recently where he was sign all the all the amazing Coastline that North Korea’s got um you know it’s he he he can’t unsee D dollar signs and and waterfront real estate and so yeah uh the but you know the idea that he’s going to be able to successfully move them to Egypt and Jordan is is is an utter fantasy like it’s not like asking Mexico to send 10,000 you National Guard to the Border you’re asking yeah those governments to likely collapse so and no no government is going to willingly strike a deal that would that would likely lead to their own collapse there’s there’s no amount of pressure you could put on somebody to get them to do that we’ll get you out of here on this which is Scott Adams tweet today I I’m just curious your thoughts on I think a lot of people right now watching our show I can just see it in the in the chat room here a lot of people are saying you know kind of struggling with this right it’s not I don’t think it’s cut and dry it’s not cut and dry if you think it’s cut and dry I think you’re an idiot uh Frank quite frankly but Scott Adams tweeted this he said I hate that sleeping on this changed my opinion his first reaction action he said is hell no I hate everything about this you know the United States going into Gaza taking over Gaza funding G all of that then he said you know I slept on it then then he said current opinion Trump just ended a Perma war between Hamas and Israel by informing them that they will no longer have a common border one way or another it’s not a bluff but it will have the effect of sharpening the thinking of everyone in the region I’d expect some frantic counter offers so he’s basically saying that in many ways the United States is playing bad cop here where now you’ll have the Arabs and Israelis kind of coming together saying yeah we really don’t want the US here so let’s come to some sort of agreement is he playing bad cop Trump I I do think Adams is correct there that you don’t want to necessarily judge what Trump says by what Trump says because you don’t know whether or not what he says is actually going to come become reality or if he’s just saying it because he has some other motives going on and in this case he may be trying trying to reset the negotiations uh you know the key the key we’re coming up to the key second phase of the ceasefire agreement and there is a ton of pressure from netanyahu’s right and from I think netanyahu’s own impulses are to not move into the second phase of of the ceasefire and to restart the war n has been pretty clear that that would actually be his his preference here he doesn’t have a day after plan for Gaza and he worries about his own political future and just you know low grade continuing the war forever uh is is a preferable political outcome for him uh that would condemn you know hostages and captives that are still in in Gaza to death uh and Bes you know aside from the the absolute Calamity that it would you know bring back uh to Gaza and you know there there is a lot of hope I think among the Trump’s Circle that wants to see a broader midi deal that Trump will figure out a way to make sure that Netanyahu does not blow up this ceasefire deal so is he flipping the table over there who knows like you know we’ll we’ll see you know where where this goes but yeah yeah it’s crazy I mean so much disagreement in our chat room right now I mean it’s just like Linda says on this point Trump is terribly wrong Karen Carpenter sayg we’re not sending troops to Gaza like it’s there’ll be a riot before anybody anybody agrees to send troops to Gaza and Karen said to like get Palestinians out of Gaza yeah right and then others saying Trump’s a genius this plan’s a genius so there’s a lot of disagreement on this right now Ryan Grim co-founder of the Independent Media website dropsite news co-host of counterpoints um Ryan thanks so much uh I think we’re all trying to parse this out today thanks so much for joining us yeah yeah thanks for having me on thanks Ryan appreciate it and I want to say that all opinions here I think are valid you know we’re all kind of scared and confused used and blindsided so yeah go ahead for something my my daughter my daughter brought up last night when we were talking about this and and first off she was she brought up like the you know like it’s not the land that’s killing Palestinians you know so it’s like the but the other thing she brought up let’s say they right they bomb all the Palestinians they build this like utopic City my daughter was like what kind of person goes there and visits like who’s going to want to go and be like hey I got we’re going to go visit the place where all of those Palestinians die on for vacation you know Israel built their national parks over uh you can go sit on park benches uh in in beautiful Parks now um the Israeli Park service and those there’s no mention of the villages where those Parks sit by the way there might be an old olive tree that’s still there uh but uh you know you’ll be sitting on you’ll be sitting on the graves and houses of of Palestinians when you go to Vis Villages M yeah uh anyway we got a lot to unpack on that that exists now yeah all right um more news to get to here we’re going to talk about Trudeau did Justin Trudeau just lie to president Trump about those 10,000 forces that they’re going to put on the border of of Canada to protect those troops uh excuse me protect the border from is illegal aliens pouring into the United States and Fentanyl coming into the United States did Trudeau lie to Trump’s face we’re going to talk about that in a second but first let me tell you about nmn so this is something I take every day now it’s become a part of my routine for the past like month and a half and nmn from Black Forest is a supplement known to dramatically improve Health and Longevity by serving as a pre precursor to NAD plus now uh Dr David Sinclair was recently on The Joe Rogan podcast and he’s a neuroscientist a tenured professor at Stanford University School of Medicine he explained why big Pharma is trying to hide nmn from you because it’s incredibly effective and they can’t make money off of it watch uh I also take supplements um and in fact most of my 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you can right now before these big Pharma companies try to patent it and turn it into a prescription drug only the FBA the FDA has been trying to take this thing away so we have an exclusive offer for you right now go to blackforest supplements.com reacted you can scan the QR code right there on your screen and for the next 48 hours you can buy two get one free buy two get one free um I’m telling you these this is fantastic I take this as part of my daily supplement regimen so stock up all you can uh it’s nmn bu two get one free at Black Forest supplements.com redacted for the next 48 hours Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just lie to president Trump right to his face about providing 10,000 troops to the northern border in order to secure that border stop the flow of illegal immigrants and Fentanyl into the United States so did Trudeau lie to president Trump well let’s find out David kadon is an independent journalist he also writes at the post millennial he’s been following this story and it kind of went quiet there for a few days uh Trudeau kind of making this agreement put tariffs off for 30 days or so and everyone seemed to be happy about this but what’s really going on behind the scenes David well everybody was relatively happy because as much as this was about Donald Trump’s wishes for the Canadian US border a lot of Canadians said well thank god something seems to be happening it looks like trudo’s finally going to do something because he’s being pressured to do so by Donald Trump but good good on him at least we’re we’re going to get some changes at the border now Trudeau promised specifically that he would send 10,000 quote Frontline Personnel to the Canada US border he promised to fight organized crime in conject conjunction with the the Americans he promised to label the cartels the criminal cartels that engage in drug and human smuggling as terrorist organizations these are all promises that he made to avert a tariff That was supposed to start on February 1st and in the hopes that this tariff would be taken away completely after 30 days of shall we say uh responsible behavior from from Justin Trudeau in Canada and that’s what Trudeau needed to do was to demonstrate that he was doing this almost immediately there was cross talk that didn’t really make any sense there was a disconnection because Trudeau was saying well we had this in mind all along with our $ 1.3 billion border security plan and I’m saying like hell you did because there’s no provision in that plan for 10,000 Frontline Personnel that was never even considered and as i’ I’ve said time and time again it’s this is a six-year plan where most of the money is being spent in the fifth and sixth years not now not today when Donald Trump Trump wants the money spent so there was something very suspicious about this immediately and when I saw Frontline Personnel I said what what is a what what are Frontline Personnel are you talking about the RCMP are you talking about the Canadian Armed Forces are you talking about border security agents are you talking about First Responders God only knows because Trudeau got away with defining it as Frontline Personnel instead of just saying military personnel soldiers troops police whatever he got away with this weasel word what mean means absolutely nothing and what is so frustrating Clayton is that nobody’s asking the question right now to Justin Trudeau as to what do you mean by Frontline Personnel where are these 10,000 people going to come from because yesterday the minister of National Defense in Canada stated emphatically that these 10,000 people would not be military so where are they going to come from the RCMP no we don’t have 10,000 RCMP officers to send to the Border we don’t have 10,000 extra Canadian border security agents to send to the border so what is he talking about is is it is he referring to a number that’s already out there and he’s going to supplement it with more people this is deliberate obfuscation typical of this prime minister I can see trouble ahead because Donald Trump is not going to fall for this one he didn’t fall for the border security plan over six years he demanded something now he act he demanded action right now Justin Jer doesn’t seem to be bringing that up and this is the problem when the House of Commons is suspended when Parliament is suspended we don’t have daily question period we don’t have an opportunity for the opposition to stand up and say what do you mean by 10,000 people 10,000 Frontline Personnel can you define that where are they coming from we need answers today and of course Trudeau is just continuing to evade the questions which unfortunately aren’t even being asked I mean when you look at the United States in America right now we have about 20,000 ice employees in the US now only about 7,000 of them are Frontline agents 7,100 according to the latest numbers so about 7,100 agents that go out in the field and make arrests the rest are a lot of support staff um employees to sort of facilitate that then you have about a thousand or so special agents um so 20,000 in the United States Trudeau knowingly I mean it looks like he he lied um on purpose to Trump and now the chickens are going to come home to roost because Trump has said if we’re going to give you 30 days to pull this off otherwise I think that the tariffs will become even more severe if you don’t manage to pull this off in 30 days so what do you think’s going to happen in the next 20 or so days that’s really all he has left well the only thing I can be optimistic about is that the house resumes sitting within the next couple of weeks because there is a constitutional challenge to Trudeau’s prorogation or the suspension of Parliament that comes up at the Canadian supreme court on February 14th which you know not only Valentine’s Day but it’s the third anniversary of trudo invoking the emergencies act so it’s quite a historic day now in in Canada so the Supreme Court might order the House of Commons back in the session and say the prorogation was illegal it was unconstitutional trudo had no reason to do that if that happens we’re going to have an early election because all of the signs now or that the all of the opposition parties want trudo out they want the Liberals out because this is a lame duck government that just can’t negotiate on behalf of Canada and I don’t think this latest incident is going to help Trudeau at all or the liberal government suggesting we’re going to be bolstering border security and then not really doing that so that’s something to be optimistic about at the very worst we’re going to have a spring election I I think even the new Democratic party has decided can no longer prop up this government anymore so I think a new election might be the only saving grace Alberta Premier Daniel Smith was interviewed yesterday and she warned Trudeau don’t go back on your word here follow through with what you’re doing because she worked extremely hard to get Donald Trump’s attention she managed to get the tarff on energy reduced from 25 to 10% she managed to really capture the attention of a lot of Americans who said here’s a responsible political leader in Canada who wants to do the right thing and and I think that is another reason to be optimistic but worst case scenario March 1 comes around and we’re struck with 25% possibly double tariff and I’ve looked at the at the at the products that are are going to be hit not only by the US tariff but by the counter retaliatory tariffs by Canada this could increase the price of grocery products by 30 to 50% overnight things are bad enough in this country where people are going to food banks soup kitchens just to survive but now I it’s going to push the price of groceries Out Of Reach this could be a great depression with a capital G and a capital D this is catastrophic for this country and it’s not going to be good for the us either I I think there’s a general consensus now that this is not going to be a party for anybody and especially as oil and gas prices go in the United States this is going to push up the price of gas easily by a dollar or two a gallon overnight if this even if it goes through is a 10% tariff I’ve never been a fan of trade Wars I’ve always been a free Trader I don’t like protectionism I think it’s bad for everybody that’s what that’s one of the major causes of the Great Depression in the 1930s was protection I thought we learned that lesson we need to move Beyond this Canada and the US are the best of friends this is the dumbest trade war in history we have fought together in every war except Vietnam and we have always been allies the strongest allies our military are joined at the hip economically we’re very very close we’re the US’s biggest trading partner it’s time to get Beyond this but we need an honest prime minister who’s not going to lie about what he has promised to do and I am utterly convinced Justin Trudeau is lying as he is ought to do in so many occasions I think the bombshell here David I’ll like I’ll let you out of here on this is that there’s been no movement at all with these 10,000 forces well like where are they what’s going on here you would think by now that there would be massive mobilization underway to make this happen uh it doesn’t seem to be happening at all well it’s not and that’s why when I read this yesterday this announcement from the min of National Defense I was utterly shocked because if they’re not coming from the Department of Defense if they’re not coming from the Kenan Arm Forces where are they coming from and he’s talking about drones we already made a huge mistake with the drones the RCMP bought a bunch of Chinese drones that we can’t even use so why is Bill Blair the Minister of Defense talking about drones and not human beings we need boots on the ground that’s an understanding we know that that is what Donald Trump is expecting and to tell you the truth Clayton that’s what most Canadians are expecting we were anticipating some absolutely bold moves here on border security not because Trudeau really wants to do it but because he had to do it now if he thinks he can get away with this uh I think he’s even a more superficial individual than I have previously imagined imagine that David Katon joining us from Canada today always keeping them honest up there fascinating story and I think this has gone quiet in the wake of everything that’s going on in the Middle East right now and Trump’s comments over Gaza and all of that but we still have this uh massive tariff uh impending doom uh facing Canada right now and the United States so thank you for this David great to see you as always thank you Clayton we’ll see you again soon thanks David appreciate it all right Trudeau lying to the United States what a shock what a shock all right all right well we’re going to keep talking about Canada because we have a bombshell story where the government of Alberta has admitted that the covid pandemic was all wrong they got it all wrong and in fact it was the federal government that made them torture their own people we’re going to talk to Regina Wati about that in a second but first we want to tell you that we have a store if you want a signal to the world that you knew all these conspiracies before they became theories you’re in fact a conspiracy knower you can find a shirt like that plus our America First t-shirt more uh truth is not hate speech isn’t mug so check out what we’ve got for you there so you can signal to the world that you know things that the government has hidden but you’ve known them all along go to redacted store.com and check out our Buffet of merchandise like our com in the FED shirt and our communism equals starvation my son who’s 14 is asking the difference you know like can you explain communism to me dad like and I’m going through explaining how yeah it’s absolutely the control of the means of production and it leads to starvation um well that’s too much for a shirt so that’s why we just put that simplistic saying that communism equals starvation because it’s true so check it all out to your Thanksgiving if you got any Democrats in your family wear it to your uh Democratic family well Easter’s coming up so yes this is isn’t it so springy and appropriate right all right it’s renewal it’s renewal okay groundhog well the province of Alberta in Canada published a damning report about the covid pandemic basically admitting they got it all wrong wrong the vaccines The Masks the lockdowns it’s an amazing admission from a government agency of course not everyone wants to hear it but Dr Regina watti read through it and she’s the author of the book fisman fraud which exposed how the government in Canada used hate science to put excessive pandemic measures in place basically tortur them I spoke to her earlier about the Bombshells in this report watch Regina thank you for joining us on redacted again let us know as a Canadian how you feel about this after Action Report where the government is basically admitting that there were mistakes and oops we made mistakes with your life well I’m actually very thankful for this report I’m I’m actually excited because now we have dialogue for the first time so as you know Natalie we’ve had a lot of censorship in Canada so this really is the first time that views outside the dominant narrative have been explored in any official capacity so even though this report was done for Alberta it does apply to much of Canada so I’m actually excited now one of your main assessments is that local provinces had very little power and most of the driving force came from the federal government which your amazing book talks about was based on hate science or junk science so is there this well what do you make of that that the federal government government was in charge and that local provinces had very little power even if they wanted to base their decisions off of real science well that was made very clear in this report that it was the federal government in the driver’s seat for the provinces uh response um but it also said that Alberta was more than happy to give the federal government the keys right so the the Alberta Government did have its own pre-existing pandemic response plan and they just tossed that out and instead their decisions were ultimately based on Federal and international recommendations and you’ll find this is true for other provinces as well so it begs the question you know whose interests are really being served um I was not surprised by that at all I was happy to see it in the report and so how can Regulators you know make any other decision if there’s just this I mean that’s almost like a king has made the decisions and the people have no choices was it like in the United States where certain provinces had maybe better regulations to live under than others um I think in Canada it was bad and then worse I mean it was just awful everywhere right so I think like Quebec was extremely bad because they had curfews and they went you know they went crazy with with their restrictions uh Ontario was also very very bad but so was BC so across the board I I think it was um not good here uh I guess it was a little better in like Alberta Alberta has always been uh somewhat better and that’s why my daughter ended up going there during the pandemic um because it was just too brutal here in Ontario um for The Regulators though oh go ahead no go ahead go ahead uh you yes go ahead and and talk about how Regulators were you know actively sought to intimidate threaten and discipline anyone who went against the consensus right so when I read the report uh two of the most Dam there was two very damning chapters and one um basically offered a scathing takedown of Alberta’s regulatory bodies and then we’ll talk about the other one later which is basically the vaccines when it talked about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines so that’s where the report hit the hardest so um the regulatory bodies includes uh bodies like the colleges of Physicians and surgeons as well as well as other colleges that regulate healthc care uh professionals and they have the ability to take away one’s license to practice and so in the report they kind of came across as like Mindless parrots so I’ll quote uh the report it said they passively accepted and followed other bodies without critically examining the information thereby perpetuating a False Consensus so the report goes on to say yeah that very damning yeah damning yeah they go on to say that any information that they deemed went outside what they thought was the consensus they called that uh misinformation even if that information was correct or accurate um and then the report goes into some depth about talking uh about their overreach and here you see that they’ve acted basically like thugs so I I’ll I’ll just summarize what the report actually said says regul ERS actively sought to intimidate threaten and disciplin medical profess professionals the chilling effect was pervasive instilling a climate of fear and caution that deterred providers from utilizing their full expertise that interfered in the patient physician relationship and often obstructed Health Care Providers from from performing their duties in good faith so that’s pretty damning and the report even says that not only did they fail to protect the public but they actually made the response worse so this is scathing yes and so how can anyone say well we didn’t know any better the government told us the truth we had to behave this way anyone in Canada who says this now uh you know I mean you can peel back all the science about masking about the vaccines about the science of lockdowns we’ve done so in depth but this is in one Fell Swoop saying we were coerced in into not being able to know what the science would have told us if we were allowed to know it so I don’t know how anyone now can say the federal government was acting in good faith right oh yeah this is this is pretty bad I can’t see how any uh of The Regulators are going to like this report it really comes down hard on them um it does of course put the the federal government in the driver’s seat yeah it’s it’s pretty scathing um they do make recommendations based on uh on what I just said they recommend um strengthening physician autonomy and they do recommend putting in some safeguards so that Physicians uh do not suffer politically motivated uh disciplinary actions which is what they believe happened right and so does it discuss the science of masking versus masking mandates yes it goes through all the things that that you know you guys been covering for quite some time uh regarding masking the they say that the the science um did not support mask mandates and that it didn’t show that they were effective at all in reducing infections uh they talked about uh non-pharmaceutical interventions such as lockdowns and closures school closures and other restrictions and they said that um that was really based on very weak evidence and it was more like ideologically driven um they said that those measures were ineffective they had high costs both socially and economically they had minimal benefits and diminished returns so the more you piled on the less benefits the more harms um yes yeah they talked about uh they also talked about how natural immunity was downplayed during the pandemic and they accused Alberta Health of spreading disinformation about how the vaccines had Superior immunity um and they said that they even stuck to that disinformation when there was ample evidence that uh they were wrong so a lot of the things that you guys have been covering right it’s amazing to see that written here an admission by province and so what can be done with something like this can you send this up to the federal government and say you must never do this again and you must admit to it because we’ve seen the tribunals around Justin Trudeau saying his you know power grabs were fine we were fine with it so you know is there any way to run this up the flag pole and get an admission like this from the federal government especially now that Trudeau is a lame duck well one thing that the the report doesn’t get into Natalie is how they were able to get away with what they did like I said there there was already plans in place and they tossed them aside and and what’s to say they won’t do the same the next time so the report doesn’t get into that which is one of the criticisms I’ve had because in Canada um well one one of the biggest issues has been the capture of our Judiciary okay so throughout the pandemic um chief justice Wagner of the Supreme Court of Canada he met routinely with Justin Trudeau’s attorney general behind closed doors to talk about how to implement pandemic measures into the courts and so the Supreme Court even implemented its own vaccine mandates at the same time Justin Trudeau um announced mandates for the federal public service so they you know they they were basically on the same page there um and then in the courts they misused something called judicial notice routinely so judicial notice is when the courts deem something to be uh an Undisputed Truth so they would look at statements like um the pandemic was a serious threat to all Canadians and the vaccines are safe and effective and they would deem this as a fact Undisputed and when you do that you basically let the government get away with with everything um right there’s another it gets even worse Natalie that recently the Attorney General was on X and he was bragging that since Justin Trudeau was elected in 2015 his government has appointed 825 judges across Canada and Canada only has 960 appointed judges sitting so there’s an issue because you do see that we don’t have an impartial Judiciary and you it’s really hard to say that they are independent of the executive branch so I mean yeah I mean I think that was clear when his emergency Powers were litigated that we invested our investigated ourselves and this was fine uh so you know the the way that the Toronto Sun is covering this is that it was just kind of mismanagement like bad government I find that to be a gross understatement of the effect that it had in people’s lives like you mentioned you couldn’t ask yourself maybe I’m strong enough to go without this vaccine that they’re telling me is so strong that was not allowed the masking the lockdowns uh did I don’t know do they mentioned the fisman study saying the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated they did and actually when you go through the report the the modeling section I think that was their their weakest section and they really completely missed the Mark um they the report failed to acknowledge the role that manipulated statistics and bogus modeling played in the pandemic so that was mostly used for three things right it was used for propaganda it was used to justify unconstitutional measures and it was used basically to help authorities screed accountability right it was like oh it’s because we were following the science so the follow of the science scheme that was basically a statistical game that helped them get away with everything so it really needs to be addressed because they can do that again in the future so that is one thing I think they really um need to look at a little bit more because it played a huge role and even this task force acknowledged that we’re going to see a Resurgence in the modeling use when the next emergency or pandemic rolls around so right so interesting that about two weeks ago the Wall Street Journal published this big wet kiss for Bill Gates in which he goes on video and says we’re not ready for the next pandemic and we can’t be if we keep reviewing what happened over the last one so this is something that people like Bill Gates absolutely do not want we should not be looking backwards we should just be going forwards I think I don’t need to point out what’s extremely wrong with a statement like that but what’s your reaction to it well obviously they don’t want anybody to review what happened because you and I and all your viewers know that they never really had evidence supporting any of these harsh measures um the there the evidence was always actually against these vaccines it was always against these lockdowns and school closures and so if you review it that’s going to come out and I think that they’re very scared now because of you know the administration change in the US like we’re all very excited well not all of us the ones who want the truth out are very excited here in Canada because we’re hoping yeah it will kind of come up here as well that we can ride that wave so I think they should be extremely worried right yeah um and you do see like you said there’s a lot of um letters have gone out now asking Daniel Smith to uh basically dismiss this report so they’re very afraid on what grounds would you dismiss the report well there’s three agencies came out uh we had the uh Alberta Medical Association the Canadian Medical Association and the children’s P Pediatric Society they wrote letters um and they basically the whole thrust is well this report goes outside the consensus view so it’s dangerous misinformation so they really don’t have much grounds they just don’t like no it’s not an argument we don’t like it so dismiss it but but there’s even another guy um there’s a fellow here in in Canada that was paid millions of dollars to fight misinformation and he spearheaded a group letter um signed by dozens of professionals including doctors and they asked also to get rid of um this report to dismiss the report but when you look at this fellow his name is Timothy Coffield and he is a law professor in Alberta and in 20 he has no real scientific um training but in 2020 he co-founded this uh organization called science up first to fight misinformation and to promote scientific understanding and he’s been getting a lot of money to you know basically push the government narrative so we have a letter spearheaded by him to dismiss um this report so okay that’s been interesting well uh you can follow Dr Regina watti on X and get her assessment of this because she’s been peeling back this onion uh if you want to search for it yourself we’ll link to to it in the newsletter or you can search for Alberta’s covid-19 pandemic response uh dated January 28th 2025 and yeah like we said it’s daming go ahead Natalie did I just I’m not sure if you want to quickly mention the vaccine chapter because that is getting a lot of oh yes please before we go let’s let’s that that’s kind of the Banger yeah that is the oncore because when I read that chapter I thought oh my God heads should roll and based on the um Alberta report the safe and effective slogan should really be change to um toxic and ineffective so it’s it’s it’s pretty bad so with this chapter what they yeah what they do is they they present some safety data um some safety data they look at the toxicity of the lipid nanop particles and they just quickly go through the main issues with the clinical trials namely that they didn’t establish that the vaccines reduced transmission uh hospitalization or death and that was the case for fizer madna as well as Johnson and Johnson and So based on um this chapter they recommend three uh things three main things the first one the biggest one is they recommend halting covid-19 for healthy children and teenagers so a lot of people are very upset about that um the second recommendation is to have full disclosure of all the vaccine risks and the third uh recommendation is to um have a support have support for uh the vaccine injured and even though this report has been out for less than two weeks it has already been filed in a court case um for a a class action lawsuit on behalf of vaccine injured individuals so that it is a big deal that’s yeah right I mean they they openly admit that the vaccine did were not effective in stopping transmission which was not allowed to be said in the year 2020 uh and and into 2021 uh and citing the Cleveland study that we’ve talked about several times that immunity goes down um as you get more vaccines so yes it’s it’s damning this is I guess not new to you and I but amazing to see a government admitting it it is it is like a lot of people here are happy I mean you’re going to get pushed back right I mean it was like I said it said some pretty nasty things about the regulatory bodies and of course um they’re still pushing the vaccines here so they don’t want to hear people asking to Hal them so this is big news yeah it really is thank you so much for bringing it to our attention and breaking it down uh I want to remind you that Dr Regina watti was one of the earliest to point out that the Canadian government was using hate science or basically fake models to torture the vaccinated in Canada uh I really recommend her book fisman fraud uh and again you can follow her on X so thanks for coming back on redacted it’s always a pleasure to talk to you oh thank you so much for for having me back this has been great thanks Natalie well that’s our show for today it’s a busy week stay with us we will be back tomorrow remember redacted streams live Monday through Thursday and serves up content all throughout the week so make sure you’re subscribed to redacted on whatever platform that you like to watch us on we really appreciate your Patron hey we also have a newsletter make sure you head on over to redacted.ch from time to time that may have a pay wall uh we don’t intend to do that we really try to get you a link to original Source material so please do subscribe share it with your friends keep up with the redacted newsletter we appreciate you thank you so much for your time and uh we will see you again tomorrow everybody thanks again [Music]
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