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well we are actively in a hot war with Russia and it’s about to get a whole lot worse we are starting tonight with significant developments out of Ukraine overnight Russia launched a massive show of force in the Mediterranean uh ocean show off Hypersonic missile launches um and massive drills preparing for whatever the NATO is trying to throw at it right now because you have the collapse of the front line in Ukraine um as we speak uh and so all of these things are collapsing in Ukraine but NATO is doubling down and looking to extend the war with Russia uh they these are Hypersonic missile launches um targeting large offensive right now against Ukrainian possible NATO targets we’re hearing from sources um this is we got news that Ukraine’s front line has essentially collapsed so take a look at this sort of a uh month by month you can see here the Russian uh takeover of these what were once uh you know this is in the donbas area and in eastern Ukraine these are eth Russian Villages largely of course they voted to become part of Russia they were tired of being attacked since 2014 after the CIA backed coup that the Obama Administration carried out and all and the genocide that they were carrying out against these people in eastern Ukraine look at this it’s completely collapsed so there is nothing left zalinsky today was uh you know broadcasting that he was there on the front lines meeting with the I guess what’s left of these forces and delivering State medals to them like how does that make them feel when you look at where their forces are they’re not on the front lines they’re up on the Russian border so they have very few forces even on the contested Border South they have a few forces South and a few Way north of the fighting so where could he mean by that he he assumes you don’t know the difference and and that’s largely what’s been the case that’s why great journalists like Tucker Carlson um who we like try to feature on this show as much as possible because he’s one of the few who’ve been outspoken about this war and what’s really going on here um he just arrived in Moscow yesterday and warns that we’re on the brink of a nuclear war we are already in a hot War let’s listen to what Tucker had to say as he arrived in Moscow last night in the week since we left Russia Moscow where we are now in February after interviewing Vladimir Putin we’ve watched from the United States as the Biden Administration has driven the US ever closer to a nuclear conflict with Russia the country that possesses the world’s largest nuclear Arsenal it has accelerated ever since and it’s reached its apy so far in the weeks after Trump’s election he’s now the president-elect in that time just a few weeks ago the Biden Administration American military personnel launched missiles into Mainland Russia and killed at least a dozen Russian soldiers so we are unbeknownst to most Americans in a hot war with Russia an undeclared war war you did not vote for and that most Americans don’t want but it is ongoing and because of that war because of the fact that the US military is killing Russians in Russia right now we are closer to nuclear war than at any time in history far closer than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis that would mean the elimination of Russia the United States and most of the rest of the world we felt there must to be someone behind the scenes in Washington Working to make sure that this conflict doesn’t become a nuclear Holocaust but we found out that no in fact there is nobody Tony blinkin the current Secretary of State cut off all contact between the US and Russian governments there is no back Channel there is no conversation there hasn’t been for more than 2 years that’s shocking meanwhile most Americans have no access to any perspective other than that granted to them by NBC News and the New York Times They don’t know how close we are they don’t know the Russian perspective we’ve been trying for over a year to get that perspective out to American News consumers we’ve also tried for over a year to get an interview with zinsky the president of Ukraine we’ve attacked that from a bunch of different angles you spoken to a lot of different people around him had dinner with them we’ve been in talks continuously and those efforts have been thwarted by the US government the American Embassy in Kiev which our tax dollars pay for told the zinsky government no you may not do the interview you can talk to CNN you can’t talk to us so that unbelievable but they went to Joe Rogan because reports were seninsky went to Joe Rogan to ask him for an interview he wants Joe Rogan and not Tucker Carlson okay because he thinks what Joe Rogan will ask him about his kids and his weightlifting habits right I mean it’s unbelievable but the fact that the US state department has thwarted I mean that’s that just goes to show you that the entire Ukrainian government is run by the United States government it’s run by the CIA and the United States state department and by the way secretary blinkin is the deao president not only of the United States but I guess also of Ukraine to to tell them that you can’t do an interview yeah with t our own United States government actively wants this go ahead Philip it’s unbelievable well how how freaking stupid so the reason any of us are still alive today is because during the Cuban Missile Crisis there was back Channel Communications with Russia like if you’re if you’re threat if you’re in at the threat of nuclear war communication is super super super important and if they have no communication I mean that is absolutely just dereliction I mean that is just crazy yes that’s a good word for it yeah yeah and then of course after that right Kennedy had the red phone directly to the Kremlin installed after the Cuban Missile Crisis a direct Channel like blow some dust off of that Kennedy could call Cru Chef like that was going to be you know that red phone I don’t know if we even still have it or not but anyway NATO’s new head marara can I just before we go down this path because it’s really important to talk about diplomacy we know that Anthony blinkin State Department just is not interested in doing it for whatever reason do we think that a Marco Rubio State Department this is a dark thought will he do it come on Marco Rubio will he open diploma with Russia he he thinks that Russia blew up the nordstream pipeline he’s adult I mean he’s more likely to he’s more likely to install a video phone so he can flip them off and they can see it I mean I don’t I don’t see anything else I think no I see him maybe even go ahead why was going say I think we need to take into consideration that he is working for the Trump Administration so you would think he would have to follow whatever the Trump Administration instructed him to do when he’s there and not just do what he would want to do because he’ll lose that position I guess I mean if he had to get in a room with Vladimir Putin and talk all kinds of smack like he does on CNN you got to think you’d see a p stain in his pants as soon as he tries it but okay Little Marco Little Marco Rubio I know I’m well but why are they trying to do this before Trump gets in office right so they’re ramping this up as much as they can you have NATO’s new lead new new head Mark uh Mark Ruta he’s called for no peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia instead he announced increased Military Support over the past 24 hours signaling a Firm Stance against any kind of Peace negotiations this follows President zalinski also over the past 24 hours essentially admitting that they that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia and cannot reclaim Crimean territory and peace should actually be considered let’s put that out on the table so like NATO swoops in like whoa whoa you’re talking peace sorry you can’t do that you can’t do do that even crazier Secretary of State blinkin who is currently as a mentioned the US president of the United States instead of pushing for peace just yesterday called on zalinski and Ukraine to lower the age uh for conscription fighting against Russia so send your teenagers to fight now so they can die like the rest of the men that you’ve killed you satanic piece of garbage listen and finally mobilization um this is critical because with even with the the money even with the the Munitions there have to be people on the on the uh on the front lines to deal with the Russian aggression uh Ukraine has hard decisions to make about further mobilization but these are necessary decisions we have a commitment though for every person every uh soldier that Ukraine mobilizes we’re committed to making sure that they have the training and the equipment they need to effectively defend the country what again that’s what we focused on yeah going forward as I said Ukraine is on an Universal path Nat membership but we’re focused on this in a practical way uh we set up a dedicated n yeah so they’re going to become not trained they’re being sent in with sticks and buckets we know this so that’s a lie who let him lie like that and then just can you imagine being in this room and and being like then why are they saying they’re man mans are in English they have no training and they’re deserting at record numbers you’re lying that’s why we need younger people so he needs 18-year-olds now to go and die for our NATO proxy war he’s in a room full of NATO syop Fant I mean that’s who he’s speaking to he’s in front of all of these like intelligence reporters or whatever that uh the only reason they get that beat is because they they’re total sycophants right and they kiss up to these guys um that’s why they’re in the room he also announced and by the way someone in our chat room was saying American soldiers have died in Ukraine yes as we reported here we were the first to report this story and broke this story months ago here at redacted that there were American soldiers um and I want to know what the ndas look like from those from the US military to those family members or are they lying to those family members uh whose young men have died in fighting in Ukraine American soldiers who’ve died in Ukraine what are they telling their parents about this well you know our kids were in a diplomat school when we lived abroad and they gave a they had a NATO presentation to the assembly to the whole class and my son said you know they told us that NATO is a peace organization and it’s only defensive and I was like they did that’s Liars they told you that in a school Liars okay yeah uh yeah Europe is crumbling quickly uh so here was Secretary of State blinkin also throwing some more money at the problem today I’m announcing the delivery of $725 million in additional weapons and equipment for Ukraine’s defense the United States and more than 50 Nations Stand United with Ukraine blink also just posted this uh I’m sorry these tweets also came in right after that people in my state of North Carolina are still camping in tents without electricity and running water due to Hurricane Helen while Joe Biden is still money laundering to zalinsky to continue covering up for crimes for the C Biden crime family F all of you DK says that’s a large amount of money to launder in such a short amount of time Ava says I love my United States people while people in North Carolina freeze intense U effers can’t be gone fast enough not to be outdone the comments presid bid himself President Biden himself was in Africa and was want instead of just the $700 million that we were delivering to Ukraine wanted to deliver $1 billion to African countries who’ve lost their homes or had their homes damaged as a result of natural disasters $1 billion doll to Africa you know that’s the right thing for the wealthiest nation in the world to do and today I’m announcing over $1 billion of new humanitarian support for Africans displaced from homes by historic droughts and food and security great thank you so much that’s the that’s the right thing for this the most powerful country in the world to do he says but we can’t help our own people because actual Americans in the United States are sleeping in makeshift structures they’re sleeping intense in North Carolina because they can’t get help from the Biden Administration take a look at this and bet Sarah outside the trailer she’s living in with her husband two kids two cats and two dogs like almost everyone here their home was destroyed and condemned and they also lost their cars and their jobs everybody that I’ve talked to says they’re getting no help their trailer was donated by a volunteer not FEMA and they have to pay for their own portapotty had to rent this so that we would be even be able to use the bathroom so you had to pay for that yourself yes yeah it’s $130 a month to to rent one Sarah’s one hope was us small business administration disaster loan but then she got this voicemail this is a call from the US small business administration about your SBA disaster loan application due to a laps in Congressional funds new Loan offers will be delayed until Congress provides additional funding for the disaster Loan program we understand how frustrating this delay is yeah can you imagine why didn’t Congress have to approve Aid to Ukraine well we got to get make sure the ukrainians you know fight to the last in uh Ukrainian so we’re going to send tens of billions of dollars there we’ll send a billion dollars to Africa to make sure that their homes are rebuilt after natural disasters I mean I mean you want to know why these guys lost the election this is why you lost the election it’s an absolute clown show right now go ahead Phillip oh didn’t didn’t they uh did I dream it or did they say there was plenty of money for the people in North Carolina didn’t they they they said that but that was before the election so they didn’t mean it yeah oh they didn’t mean it maybe they should the they should make a rule that if we have a single unwilling person living on the streets in the United States especially a vet no money goes anywhere else no money leaves this country until that’s taken care of then we can have the conversation yeah you would imagine can you imagine what you could do with a billion dollars just in that Community to clean it up and provide homes and to rebuild that entire infrastructure yes but we’ve covered a lot of what China is doing in Africa building out infrastructure and structuring Loans to African nations and actually providing them with infrastructure like roads and internet and sewage systems and things like that and and improving that but China’s getting paid back and it’s a business structure we are a country heavily in debt so who decided that we could do this he says it’s the right thing to do for the wealthiest country in the world okay those things don’t bear out when we look at our federal deficit and our expanding government so anyhow well let’s take a look at New York City oh oh sorry I just one real quick it’s like it might be the right thing to do for me to buy a Christmas present for every kid in town that doesn’t mean I have the money to do it yeah right right it’s it’s the thought that counts well let’s take a look at New York City it looks more like Gotham City every single day today the CEO of United Health was fatally shot in the chest on his way to an annual investor meeting at Midtown Manhattan police say they didn’t know the suspect’s motives they still don’t but many are speculating that this was targeted we can’t show you the video you can find it quite easily on X but you can tell this person is waiting for his Target this person is clearly very skilled with a gun he knows what he’s doing uh and the police say that they don’t think this is a threat to the public because obviously it was a threat to this guy in particular his wife says he had been receiving death threats uh and he um again we don’t know exactly what those would be pertaining to so police are still looking although incidentally uh there’s an account on X which I didn’t bring a picture because I saw it so recently if you look up at RT wlz on X this person makes it a habit to scrape City bike data every minute because it’s a hobby of his I presume and says that he did locate a city bike that went from this area all the way up the East Side uh within 10 minutes of the shooting and he’s reported that to police so I love that internet sleuthing maybe that’s something maybe it’s not uh now some radical liberals though are saying this guy had it coming why because he’s a capitalist because he’s a head of big business here is him this I want to say like extremist liberal uh saying that this is the capitalist Revolt that he’s been waiting for have you guys heard the good news they say it was a targeted attack and personally be this the gunman is at large so if you see anything no you didn’t oh you think you no you didn’t protect protect this this person also do more that’s a hero that’s hero right there do more as in death to the capitalist this is a doggy this is a that’s a Bolshevik that’s literally Bolshevik type thing so anyhow uh hopefully this guy gets reported um as he’s inciting violence you say that’s pretty obvious yeah I mean can we talk a little bit more about the shooter here in this situation because uh I reached out to a former FBI FBI agent and said that uh he told me just a short time ago that it’s a total Amateur hour approach in this shooting something is very fishy here in that you wouldn’t first of all you wouldn’t shoot in this in this uh environment with the well lit with all the surveillance there the type of firearms um it’s not very close distance for a handgun either so you’d really have to have confidence that you’re going to hit this target um and it’s also very strange that the way in which he was manually loading this thing manually injecting it seems like he was trying to keep the brass so that there weren’t be there wouldn’t be casings available for the police to find afterwards so some of it’s a bit of a mix here and um um yeah it shows that the level of training um he says is uh is a little bit different here um and different well if you really wanted to execute this thing um you would probably walk up with a low caliber weapon like a 22 or a 9mm with sub uh subsonic rounds on it and and shoot them right there in the dark in some sort of darkness and you wouldn’t do this in daylight in this type of environment and um using this type of a gun it wouldn’t make sense so very very strange all of it is uh very very strange now this comes just within 24 hours that mayor Eric Adams says that crime is down in New York City uh it also comes as the jury begins to deliberate on the Daniel Penny trial uh Eric Adams does seem to indicate that Penny should be acquitted because for obvious reasons you can’t have people who are too scared to defend themselves uh against dangerous people so we’ll see how that goes we’re going to talk to Second Amendment Advocate Liz Joy coming up about that about and how New York City seems to be straight off the pages of a of a Batman comic coming up after the break yeah also very very strange all right let me pull up my notes here again so um well we just had the French government collapse this is a pretty amazing moment um is the Emmanuel macron era finally over will this ushu usher in Marie Le Pen will they wind up like Belgium basically without a government for four months because they can’t get their act together um Belgian officials saying you know what we’re actually okay with not having a government right now so they like waiting to put get a coalition government together they can’t so for four months um but yeah over just a short time ago the Prime Minister um Michelle barer barer just lost a no confidence vote with 331 votes to 288 basically his government has now has to resign and mcon will have to appoint a new Premiere um and a lot of people saying that this as Marie Le Pen has just posted on on social media says it’s the end of this ephemeral government um and she says to those who think I’m intent on choosing a policy of disaster through a vote of no confidence I want to tell them that this disastrous policy would not be to censure such a budget such a government um and she wants to know where’s all the money it’s all about um all about taxes all about taxes taxes and more taxes that’s why which is interesting Cons considering that the current prime minister was one of the negotiators of brexit uh which was a financial deal so yeah where’s the money guy well authorities in Mexico dissolved two Caravans of wouldbe illegal immigrants heading to the United States that’s interesting we usually don’t see that right so according to reports migrant activists said this week that some were bused to cities in southern Mexico and others were offered Transit papers migrant rights activist Luis Garcia vran said that breaking up the two Caravans appears to be part of an agre agreement between President uh elect Trump and the president of Mexico after they met recently and Trump threaten to Levy a 25% tariff on imports from Mexico meaning stop this bleeding or else we’re going to use our financial leverage to the best of our ability uh for those who do make it across illegal illegally across the southern border before President Trump is inaugurated they may not want to unpack because a panel of three judges for The Ninth Circuit of of appeals unanimously ruled that the federal government does have the authority to deport foreign Nationals who are in the United States illegally interestingly enough this was about a 2019 case that originally was fought by the Trump Administration and it’s the Biden Administration that won it so that’s it what’s so interesting about that is Trump filed against this case to assert his right to deport people the Biden Administration kept it going and fought it and W it in time for Trump isn’t that funny yeah timing so what it was was a 2019 executive order in King County Washington by County Executives said that the Trump Administration could not use their local airport to deport people and they were ordering local authorities not to work with the federal government so the Trump Administration sued won the case they appealed and the latest ruling upholds that win so to the credit again of the Biden Administration they didn’t forfeit this case when they took office they kept at least fighting for it so they kind of Biden won it for Trump it’s the Biden and you know justice department that kept it going so okay that’s interesting uh the Court ruled that local governments cannot interfere with or control the operations of the federal government so that won’t be good for Gavin Nome because he has repeatedly promised to stop deportations in his State he started this special legislator session this week where he says he’s going to make sure he sort of trump proofs California so whatever you know the federal government does that will interfere with California as he calls them civil rights reproductive Freedom climate action and immigrant families that California will stop it but California is not s Sovereign they don’t have their own government so if there now is a federal deportation effort the courts ruled that California does have to comply so we’ll see how that goes we’ll see what kind of fight in them that Gavin Newsome has well this been quite a UFO flap happening across the United States it has the um members of the FBI now certainly looking into this it’s happening in the UK as well just a short time ago right before our show started I spec I spoke to uh Christopher sharp who is in the United Kingdom about what is happening here he’s an in he’s a a fantastic journalist and I want to play that interview for you right now well the FBI is now investigating UFOs over multiple military bases and in fact these same UFOs are now being spotted over FBI agents homes and it’s all happening right now in the United States and the United Kingdom why watch this well well one of the ships was in fact inspected by the Coast Guard and they couldn’t find anything the thing is that there were several other suspicious ships in the region that they never got to and will it gets worse just a couple of months earlier there were several mystery drone flights over our nuclear testing range uh in Nevada just north of Las Vegas and again nothing was done and it gets even worse some of the FBI agents that have been assigned to look into this have reported drones flying over their homes as if to say hey we know where you are so what the heck is going on here let’s ask excellent journalist Christopher sharp who covers these UFOs and UAP stories on his website Liberation times he also writes at the Daily Mail as well Christopher great to see you welcome back to the show thanks for having you on Clayton it’s crazy so what is happening what is your assessment I know you don’t have all of the answers but you’ve been piecing a lot of this together from across the pond a number of these UFO incursions happening in the UK they’ve been I mean seen by many many eyewitnesses shared across social media like this one that we’re showing here on your screen so what’s just your initial assessment of what you think is going on my at this moment these are all guesses there is an information vacuum that exists right now my belief is that there is a national emergency at least in the UK um in so far um as the mod is concerned the ministry of Defense uh my assessment is that these events are very concerning uh from my understanding they’re still ongoing it’s been two weeks now uh since uh drones were first seen over very very sensitive um RAF bases um UK RAF bases operated by the US Air Force um in eastern England and um I I I think everyone is baffled by them I think the best the best guess is that these Russian and Chinese remember these incursions started after permission was given to um to use use attacks and Storm Shadow missiles in Russia so it seems very very coincidental that all the uh incursions started after that decision was made um but I think there are still some real questions that are quite concerning um you know the most concerning is that why have they not captured the controllers of these supposed drones yet why have they not worked out origin well why have they not shot any of them down so you’re telling me that according to your sources at the ministry of defense that this is is considered a National Emergency in in England right now so I I I have a variety of sources all I can say is that this is I can only speak it so far as my opinion um but I have a very strong opinion that this does constitute a National Emergency correct there have also been citings as well at another RF base um which is operated by the US Air Force um named um Arya fairford that’s in glou that’s more to the west of England but a different geographic location um but yeah this is um this is a crazy situation we find ourselves in one of the bases that’s been most impacted is Raf lakenheath interestingly RAF Laken Heath has been prepared to receive nuclear weapons from the USA and uh the rumor is that those may now be deployed at the base which if true it makes the situation even more concerning now in the UK we’re very blessed to have plane spotters um who actually spend a lot of their time outside these bases um to watch the f-15s and f-35s go up in the air so in the UK we’ve been in a position where we’ve been able to um to kind of like have these events live streamed in so far as the um the Jets going up to um perhaps see if they could identify or thought this stuff yeah so intercept or perhaps engage with these drones UFOs when we say UFOs we just mean unidentified flying objects um we’re not calling them aliens you know as I’ve said on the show we don’t know exactly what they are um here in you know over in New Jersey for instance um just over the past 48 Hours many many eyewitnesses uh seeing these hu huge drones about the size of cars like 10 ft in length hovering over homes and not just there for like 10 minutes hovering there for more than an hour or so um it’s remarkable if they’re coming from China or Russia how are they getting there where is the mothership so to speak these drones can’t travel that far on that amount of energy and battery power to get from Russia into New Jersey where are they coming from um and why isn’t the United States doing anything about it uh you hear members of Congress as we played here in the beginning saying that these now are hovering over FBI agents homes as if to say we know exactly where you are we know where you live and we’re hovering above your home right now it’s it’s remarkable it’s very disturbing from my understanding these things are on a pre-programmed uh setting so their coordinates of where they’re flying to have been pre-programmed they are very very sophisticated they must have some kind of AI sensor system as well because the sightings over RAF Laken Heath they’ve seen them just above the tree line so and also they’ve been spotted as well in Winds of over 65 miles per hour in a recent storm that we’ve had they’re operating at night as well uh the thing that confuses me is that if these are Russian and Chinese drones and they and and they do show advanced technology why would they risk the chance of such technology being Rec covered by the Western allies and exploited uh that would also cause a major diplomatic Fallout as well but from my understanding at the moment none of the Drone counter Provisions uh such as jamming taking over the drones that it’s returned to the controller none of those counter measures um have worked or are feasible wow so everything we’ve tried jamming trying to take control of them none of that has worked and they’re there and we’re not intercepting them we’re not we’re not shooting them down have you heard any reports of the royal Air Force trying to engage and fire fire upon these things I haven’t heard any reports I do know that there may be a concern from my understanding that if you do take control of the Drone and send back to its origin where it came from there is a danger that it may have been preset to land on on one of the air bases and if it has a payload which could potentially be explosive then if the worst situation happens it would be the responsibility of the US Air Force or the UK if something bad happened in that situation so there are some alarming features when it comes to this correct I mean then you could take I’ll get you out of here on this Christopher which is if they’re not Russian or they’re not Chinese it seems odd and weird that they’re hovering over all of these homes in the United States and we’re not doing anything to stop it then is it something else is it something from offworld some sort of offworld vehicles uh that are here to say you guys are on the precipice of nuclear war um you better stop it we’re watching you uh I I just can’t wrap my head around why we wouldn’t be engaging with these things uh from at the Pentagon why are we not doing anything to stop them um I mean I know it’s a huge leap but am I far a field on that at this point we just don’t have any of the answers there’s an information vacuum that exists right now we just don’t have enough information from from what I heard have heard they are man-made okay but if they’re man-made they’re also demonstrating advanced technology that we may not understand how it works okay that’s strange and if that is the case and if it is Russia or China again why would they risk that technology being captured look we do know that there have been cases of mimicry when it comes to UAP that they’ll mimic helicopters and other things I have no information to suggest they are UAP yet as in pentagon’s definition of them displaying some anomalous Behavior or capabilities such as trans medium um activity or um instant instantaneous acceleration so I’ve got nothing on that so far I think it really is just a really horrible position that we’re in right now is that we just don’t have the answer all we can do is speculate and um keep following the story but the longer this goes on for um the more disturbing it becomes and I keep on using that word because it has and I think it’s rattled a lot of um top officials both in the UK and the US well we have many many viewers in the UK who are watching our show um and I know you’ve put a call out to anybody in certain sectors of the UK who’ve witnessed some of these drones in certain areas to reach out to you so you can follow Chris on your on your ex account reach out to Chris if you’ve seen any of these uaps UFOs in your area he’s collecting all of this data right now and doing amazing work on all of this so Christopher thank you so much for joining us thank you Clayton it’s a pleasure so that was Christopher sharp thank you for that um we have a couple of people here uh darland Dar in Michigan says I am in middle of Michigan Mid Michigan and they have and they hover over my house all the time not sure what to do do about it the only difference in these the ones that they’re seeing here on the screen is that the ones that you’re seeing in mid Michigan have multicolors going around on the bottom of these I mean film them send them to us I mean go ahead I recently heard of there’s a town in uh I believe it’s in Colorado that um that they it’s just like like clockwork like regularly like all of the citizens know that at a certain time of night these are going to show up and they know where they’re going to show up and they just like it’s like the the police just constantly like go out and monitor this it’s bizarre cool uh I’m going to drive there okay I would love to go there all right I’m down I want to see that um if you if you get beamed up just put put an air tag put an air tag on the UFO on the car I wonder how good air tags would work like um we’re noticing your I’m going to open fine my shows another Dimensions shows another dimension can you please come back from Mars you need to pick up the kids from school Clayton it shows on your fine my that you’re in Antarctica how did you get down to the South how did you get down there soly um speaking of Africa you know we’re talking about Africa earlier Biden down there so this is embarrassing this just came in earlier today so President Biden sitting there with the African leaders take a look at this you can roll it where he’s sitting as these African um leaders are talking and uh President Biden is literally just asleep just Falls he’s totally asleep fall falls asleep at the trans Africa Summit like they’re talking to him asking him questions you could actually play the audio if you would Phil up because it’s funny the implementation of the project will provide important opportunities for Africa’s development Lors such as agriculture renewable energy digital transformation trade and Logistics along the corridor Tanzania is that’s your president of the United States that’s your president of that reminds me of my father at like 7.m night that’s what happened snapped out of it and was just like a billion dollars a billion dollar for you yeah that’s totally like your dad falls asleep and you’re like can have $20 Dad yeah yeah yeah I mean like when my dad was like tired after a long day of work when I was in like in the 1980s and I wanted to start making videos and and doing my own stuff I said dad can I get a cam quarter can we order a cam quarter and he was like kind of half asleep in the recliner and I’m like they’re advertising it on TV right now can we do it can I call he’s like okay that’s how I got my first camcorder all right and now look at me
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