2nd Amendment Rights

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The founding fathers added this amendment to the United States Constitution to give the people of the United States our 2nd amendment rights. This right protects our country from foreign and domestic threats and enemies. So the citizens of our country which together are supposed to govern our country can defend it from powers that try and take that governing ability away from "We The People".


Yes ma'am please get a venti soy vegan nonfat 14 pops caramel sugar-free macchiato please thank you What's going on guys black scout survival and today i'm going to answer the question that millions of americans want to know and who is the murderer of ashley babbitt ashley babbitt attended the uh january 6 security breach and she was fatally...

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Hunter Biden probe launched by GOP: Joe Biden ‘lied’ to Americans

Am I here all right we want to thank everyone for coming out today we're going to provide you with something that you all aren't used to with respect to Congressional investigations and that's evidence committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family reviewed Hunter Biden's laptop and Received documents of previously what we've...

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Is Texas Creating A Vigilante Death Squad?

Texas wants to fix the border crisis With a civilian Border Protection Unit, That critics call a vigilante death squad. Welcome to America Uncovered. I'm Chris Chappell. There’s no question that the US continues to face a southern border crisis. Unless of course you’re Joe Biden, in which case his question is “What border crisis?” Under the Biden administration, there...

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Russia’s Predicts How the USA Will Collapse…

Does your country import more from germany or france germany is this purple color france's turquoise so of course starting off germany imports more from france and france imports more from germany they can't import their own products right that goes against the word import okay i think i'm for the Most part right about that so kind of unsurprisingly...

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Top 100 Preps to Buy at THE HOME DEPOT

In this video so without further ado let's start going through the list now let's start off First with building materials i recommend picking up several plywood sheets in a previous solar power bank It'll take less power to keep that one going compared to your larger primary refrigerator now let's go through some various hardware a good prep to...

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