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you know you said that your the the catastrophe that enveloped the people around your father was a consequence of lying see that isn’t something that everybody knows right because people think well the really naive people think that if you see a dictatorship you have a dictator and his henchmen and they’re oppressing a whole mass of Freedom loving people and if you just take out the dictator well then democracy will Bloom what they don’t understand is that what would you say the dictator is just the biggest devil in hell and in a really totalitarian state every single person is lying about absolutely everything they say and do all the time to themselves and everyone and the totalitarian state is actually the grip of the LIE the dictator is just the what he’s the face of the lie that’s all but every time someone in that totalitarian state lies they’re participating in their own demise me soulan inst and detailed out I thought this was so remarkable that there were nowhere near enough Co committed Communists to run the gags the prisoners had to run them mhm right right there’s a totalitarian state for you it’s a PR it’s a it’s an inmat run prison and the prison is lies right so why did you know that that is a great question um I couldn’t I found it more difficult to LIF with lies than anything else that nothing else mattered why but speaking the truth I think living in lies is um sucks your soul sucks your energy you you’re depressed you can’t wake up in the you don’t have you wake up but you don’t really want to get out of bed there’s no reason there’s nothing to do for me living in lies I might as well be dead that’s no it’s worse it’s worse than death it’s that’s hell a hell is worse than death right it’s a hard thing to understand I but I I’m very curious about how why you knew this it it’s very telling because that makes your willingness to seek opportunity and your desire to be able to keep speaking that explains why that’s Paramount now the reason I’m making a case of that is because well I don’t know how many Physicians leapt to your side but I’ve seen how many psychologists in Canada have leapt to mine and it’s basically zero right zero is a very low number and so even though what has been done to me although not particularly successfully yet could easily be done to psychologists and they’re all being compelled to lie in Canada as are the Physicians but people won’t speak up so now you did and you wanted to and you put that before even your concern about what you were going to do economically after your jobs disappeared okay so that’s that’s weird right and I don’t you you tied it a bit to what had happened to your father but I don’t understand how you knew this I I I I just can’t imagine why you would want to live um in a Perpetual lie I can’t even think of anything harder short-term gain well I will tell maybe this will help you as a psychologist once a psychologist always a psychologist I was never particularly interested in things that were fattish so for example I didn’t care about fashion which is something girls usually care deeply about because I always knew it was just a form of peer pressure not saying it in even a negative way I’m just saying I wasn’t moved by it it didn’t it didn’t influence me so all of those things that made me different doctor lawyer Holocaust daughter um curious not susceptible to the whims of fashion it never and I I also wasn’t a person who lived very grandly so would I be able to get by I mean my income was really good my plans for myself when this happened reason I was working two ER jobs was I was going to work really hard for two years and I was really going to back off I was saving a lot of money it’s not like I’m immune to earning money so but all of that went by the wayside if I had to live in a lie there’s just no it’s not even a close call right right right no I and and I do it’s probably somewhat of my nature but the nurture element you can teach as a parent how dangerous it is to live in lies I mean it’s true my background is Jewish but people think you know Hitler just happened and it just you know just happened no no no no no there were a lot of lies to support like hundreds of thousands of them but remember one I remember as a little girl is um a lot of scientists were in back in in Germany were measuring Jews heads and they determined they were different size and different shape than Aaron heads and and I remember saying to my dad well that’s weird like why didn’t the scientists they couldn’t have found that because it’s not true and I remember thinking that’s so odd I think I learned that when I was 10 years old I’m like well that’s so odd like why didn’t the scientist say anything like were they just writing false numbers in their papers like what were they doing that they allowed them to conclude that the the circumference of the head was different amongst arens and Jews and I remember thinking that’s hell you’re right it is hell it’s not death it is hell to live in a world where you can’t speak you know the First Amendment exists not just so you can hear what I have to say but humans have a need to speak truth they have that need inside of them so it’s both yeah if they’re not if they haven’t corrupted their soul right if but a nor a baby growing up until you’ve I mean a North Korean child learns very quickly she can’t speak but if you grow up in relative Freedom like we did in Canada and America you have I think an inborn human need to speak and be heard and all of a sudden nobody was speaking truth I know you didn’t know hydroxy chloric is safe but if somebody said to water isn’t wet you would say and that you had to say that you’d be like I’m not saying that I’m like that’s what they said when they said hydroxychloroquine wasn’t safe they were telling me to say water’s not wet how am I supposed to say that and wake up every day I felt the same way about Bill c16 in Canada exactly I have to call a woman a man well maybe I would just to be polite but I have to like no I don’t think so what do you mean have to exactly and then for me mine was slightly different in the sense that mine was just like a specific fact that I knew that maybe not everybody knew but all the doctors knew hydroxy chloric con was safe until media told them otherwise so let me this Nifty trick they did they’re safe and effective so if the media and the and the journals had just said oh it’s not eff right maybe I would have fallen for it I don’t think so but maybe but when they started saying it wasn’t safe when we’ve had it for 70 years when there’s a government database on called f AE RS yeah uh the FTA Adverse Events reporting system which keeps track of all side effects of drugs and hydroxic Clin is much safer than Tylenol in that database they started saying it’s not safe I knew that this is a big lie and I just knew that it’s Soul crushing I I didn’t want to live with a lie yeah okay okay okay so now you turn you’re you’re now you’re developing a career as a public speaker now you have a bit of you have some Financial backing so you’re a little more solid what happens so we so we we formed a formal nonprofit and people started flooding me I couldn’t keep up I had to start hiring people but I had not enough money to hire people I was having tons of volunteers and then um and this is happening over what span of time months in I’m telling you instantly I spoke July 27th I was fired August I spoke at dayar I’m saying by no by November I had that foundational check of $170 something, I didn’t but I didn’t really have enough money I had like one person work for me two people and I had a bunch of volunteers and then they started coming out with the shots and I knew my Lane Kicking and Screaming was dragged into my lane which is my Lane was to stop mandates I didn’t even care so much about the average person who wanted to take medicine or didn’t want to take medicine or even the average person that wanted to take the shots or didn’t want to take the shots I cared about everyone being lied to so they’re making bad decisions but I really cared about making sure mandates never became the law of the land because mandates would have survived covid mandates would have become show me your passport Jew yeah 100% which they kind of did in some Nations show me your vaccine passport they did and if I was I I would go to my death stopping a passport a social credit score system in America or I will die trying that was my mission so I and I say that because everyone wanted me to provide hydroxy chloroquin to the world I mean we we got thousands and thousands of emails to my nonprofit asking how they can get the medicine so for two years that was the question so at that moment around December or November 21 I had to decide would I go and find a way to give medicines to people because I only have 20 hour4 hours in a day or would I work to prevent mandates from becoming the law and it wasn’t even a question for me this was my Lane it wasn’t the medicine and the science whatever how bad this was this was temporary this was permanent are we losing our constitutional freedoms so I went down this road and starting in 20 um sorry 21 um I started bringing lawsuits against everybody who against mandates and that was my mission explain that yes so we we you know they started bringing out the shots for kids and we Su to stop that sued who um that specific lawsuit was probably the CDC I’ve bought so many it’s hard to recall that was our very first one in May of 21 yeah what possible justification that still bit well well one of the like part of the reason I presume that you were so terrified of the mandates apart from the sociological effects that you described is that inforced medical treatment well first of all that violates the Geneva Convention in a major way and for good reason but it’s worse than that and and we haven’t seen this all play out yet like typical people whose eyes are open no longer Trust Physicians for public health that’s a catastrophe because it means to the degree that that was a viable Enterprise which was quite substantive for quite a long time that’s all that trust has to be reestablished and I suspect it probably won’t be because and so I have no idea what the consequence of that’s going to be I’m so glad you mentioned that so there there’s so much to say here Public Health 101 says you don’t inoculate in the middle of a respiratory pandemic um public 101 never held that you inoculate everybody it was always the high-risk group and you let it kind of travel through the society and the lower risk group like the kids kind of spread it and then Grandma maybe inoculate grandma like everything was thrown out the window and so the trust should be lost from the public health because they completely sold out the public right they completely sold W and we don’t even know how bad yet oh it’s I I think trust in doctors went from 70 or 80% to 40% and I think that that’s completely appropriate so in May 21 they start saying that they want to bring the shots out to the kids now this is horrific why because kids were not dying from SARS in fact by the cdc’s own numbers children well it still says on your Wikipedia page that you’re spreading misinformation about the fact that children don’t die from covid and yet they don’t and that’s very well established very well established what it’s just it’s as risky for a child as the typical cold I presume it’s something it’s those are basically the numbers and what the average person who died from Co had like five major comorbidities and was older than the average age of right Jesus they an average of four comorbidities and it was like 77 age of of longevity was like 76 yeah it was criminal and it was very criminal to do to the kids and we yeah that was in that was in why are they doing it to the kids so that there’s a whole financial motive which is if you put it on the vaccine schedule there’s a lot of money involved Etc but we fought that very hard and I’m pretty proud because we brought that law in May of 21 and and we had been told that they were probably going to release it right around May or June so we worked really hard to get it out and in fact they didn’t release the kids the shots to the kids until a few months later so I know we delayed it by a few months nonetheless the moment they rolled it out you asked why they did it as soon as the shots were legally able to be given to kids you then in America saw local jurisdictions that took the power from the parents and gave it to the kids so if a kid wanted to get a shot but the parents were and didn’t want to get the shot them have the shot the kid was able to get the shots I think the age was 14 in certain local jurisdictions that became very clear that this was Marxism which is to take away the parental rights and give them to the state the state was subbing in for the parents now that’s never happened in America before in America you know the parent has a shine so why would you leap to Marxism as an explanation for that because that’s a big leap I’m not disputing it’s a very fascism maybe not I think of Marxism and fascism the same I would say that that I was influenced a little bit by my father growing up in a communist Nation so in Russia yeah okay so in Russia a child who went to school they’re 13 years old might come home from school one day and tell their mom oh the dentist pulled two teeth today in other words the parent wasn’t involved in the decision well the kids there were invited to inform on their parents too and it’s part of classic Marxist doctrine that the familial structure should be decimated and that it’s fine for the Russians made Heroes of children who informed on their parents so how but but but to see that playing out in in the United States and to attribute that well to was obvious you asked me how I thought because because it only took two weeks so so in other words the CDC said you could give it to 14-year-old kids and then two weeks later San Francisco and I think Baltimore but there was a few jurisdictions that allowed 14y olds to do it yeah and I was like well well isn’t that Nifty parents are not parents are expendable now yeah that’s why I said it’s Marxist because you’re separating parents that on the ground obviously being prepared for moves like that yeah yeah so that I felt that end and then I kept even though we couldn’t stop the shots I was very heck hell vent on stopping mandates so we we sued the Department of Defense we sued UCLA we sued on behalf of the co recovered Soldier the co recovered college kid they were saying ludicrous things like natural immunity didn’t work right so it we had these like really robust arguments that’s when I learned that judges were really just also quite incurious and judges were very afraid I think to even look at what we were writing I know that because one of our best lawsuits well they’re not accustomed to having to adjudicate disputes between like profound disputes between credible Physicians right I mean you can’t expect judges to be able you know what I mean the judgments are going to stay intact as long as the Physicians are basically playing a straight game and all of a sudden now everything’s thrown up in the air you can’t even trust the damn Journal but from a status quo perspective a judge’s natural tendency is to keep the status quo yes well depends on the judge how Progressive they are or or in medicine it’s to be risk averse most doctors were telling and they were telling pregnant women you know don’t take a bite of sushi don’t have a smoke don’t drink a glass of wine but all a sudden roll up your sleeves and take the new stuff I’d never seen that in my career I you didn’t have doctors saying that it was it was bizarre I thought it was like you know invasion of the Body Snatchers it made no sense it was completely the opposite of how doctors usually acted and then we went to judges and we said judges look at these we’ve got these world class experts saying whoa halt they were just not doing their job in my opinion and couldn’t said they couldn’t decide they couldn’t figure it out so they defer to the executive branch agencies this is all relevant to being a doctor and a lawyer because last summer the Supreme Court has pulled away from the executive branch agency deferrals the judges AC yes to there was a very important case called in Loper Brite where the Supreme Court reversed 40 or 50 years of Judges just deferring to the executive branch agencies wasn’t the nah or the cgc but other executive branch agencies judges have been given permission in their mind oh you know the executive branch agency unelected bureaucrat said to do this I’m just going to do that well that’s what we were coming up against in covid we were asking the judges in retrospect here’s these worldclass amazing Physicians saying whoa halt but over here is the NIH and the CDC saying give it yeah and the judges were just deferring to the agencies okay but we have some hope in America because a few months ago in June of 24 in lower bright Enterprises the Supreme Court held that judges were giving too much deference to executive branch agencies and that’s unconstitutional and they have to adjudicate fairly they can’t just say the unelected bureaucrats correct they can’t pass the but it’s a very important legal decision okay okay you think I think it will change the landscape slowly going forward I didn’t understand that so much legally when I was bringing lawsuits in 21 and 22 that part of the reason judges were so reluctant to believe independent Physicians is that the judges had been trained lulled into thinking their job was to just go with what the executive branch agency said that was ripped up if it was possible exactly that’s not our system the judges are supposed to be independent so that actually it was the Chevron Doctrine and it was thrown out and thank God it’s been 50 years and it’s been thrown out so going forward bringing lawsuits the judges can no longer hide behind the FDA said this or for example the EPA said that right so that’ll have effect there too Environmental Protection any agency the judge has to adjudicate looking at the evidence not just give the new admin undue deference he said they were giving undue deference [Music]
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